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Everything posted by tiempo

  1. Smokeless solutions works too.
  2. Okay, so Walmart started selling ecigs on their website. Great! The more mainstream ecigs become, the better! Walmart accepts Paypal for all purchases, including the ecig (just press add to cart, paypal is prominently featured as a pay option) So, my question is, if people are being banned from paypal for using it to sell anything ecig related, why is Walmart allowed to? Yes, I understand Walmart carries a BIG stick, but they still are ecigs. Im wondering if anyone here has personally been banned from Paypal over this issue? http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=11996499&findingMethod=rr#rr p.s. My intention is not to raise any issue that would cause Walmart to pull the product due to Paypal's rules, just wondering why there is a double standard.
  3. Geez, I hope not! There are a bunch of online suppliers that sell smaller quantities much cheaper. http://electronic-ash.com/estore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=4&products_id=81 there are also 2 other sizes...just search http://www.tastyvapor.us/propylene-glycol-grade-p-90.html?cPath=9 more expensive, though http://www.americaneliquidstore.com/products/Propylene-Glycol.html these are just from some of the suppliers that I use (havent tried electronic ash, but it was the cheapest for a small quantity) I'm sure many more carry it. If you are adamant about not paying shipping costs, I would call your local Walgreen's and speak to the the Pharmacist (if you are uncomfortable telling them what you use it for, I recommend telling them that you use it to make home made soaps and lotions)
  4. Cool! Its too bad I dont live closer... I would have been happy to go "halvsies" with you
  5. UPDATE: Just got off the phone with Walgreen's ... a pint is now $18.99. Make sure you talk to the pharmacist, they have to order it in.
  6. Isnt U.S.P. grade U.S.P across the board?
  7. As far as I can see, this is U.S.P. grade... its used to treat cattle http://www.farmandfleet.com/products/009503-propylene_glyocol.html?lref=%2fcatalog%2ffind.aspx%3ft%3dpropylene%2bglycol if you enlarge the picture you can see the grade.
  8. Farm supply stores sell it.... in GALLON containers <sigh> Heard its about $20 for the gallon, and my Walgreens charges $11 for a pint. How much do you vape? LOL
  9. I think I will add a bent paper clip holster to it too!
  10. Sorry to hear that... I hope mine holds up too! Yeah, it would be pretty easy to put one of these together. I saw keychains at the dollar store the other day, maybe I will pop in and buy a few? I would think epoxy would work really well. Maybe this weekend's "project"?
  11. I just purchased a 3ml plastic key chain bottle from strictlyejuice.com. I love it!
  12. Hey from a fellow Wisconsinite, Mspinner! I definitely think there are other things in a cigarette that your body craves after quitting or cutting down. I dont know how long you have been vaping, but I am at about 20 days so far and I still do have 1-2 analogs a day, which is less than I smoked last week. It seems as the time passes, the urges get weaker. I have to say that the first morning analog is going to be the hardest for me to give up, but Im waiting for some new juice to come in and will give it a shot on Saturday. I wish you the best of luck in finding something that works for you!
  13. Definitely the 510
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