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Everything posted by Jack

  1. I have empathy for folks who suffer headaches and the other symptoms that go along with making the switch. However, I am SO looking forward to not having the smoke, reducing the number of toxins I am taking in, and the ability to take control over my smoking by vaping. This is a great forum and I look forward to having and getting over some of these symptoms once shipments are available again and I can make the switch! I am not planning on going nicotine free right now. I just want this e-cig alternative. Now that I have used one less than adequate starter kit, I am aware of the massive potential benefits of getting off analogs. The public still needs to catch up. At one time, I tried using my e-cig in a famous coffee house chain and the folks there asked me to do it outside. They were polite and so was I. Anyhow, I hope everyone feels better. Peace and Light. Jack
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