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  • Location
    Oneonta, Alabama
  • Interests
    Wood crafts, tv and movies, and Alabama Football

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  1. Thanks. I've been meaning to place an order with Jason anyway.
  2. I recently purchased 5 attys for what I thought was a great deal...Problem is they suck!!! I found out they are knock-offs with a round washer at the bottom of the wick. I'm not getting the vapor production out of these that I've been getting out of my original joye attys. So my question is, who sells genuine Joye atty's? Thanks for the help!
  3. I've been vaping for a week now, and I think i need to upgrade from the 510. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, so I hope my fellow vapers can offer some advice. Here's my objectives: 1. I want something with longer batt life than my 510. I'm tired of the batts dying, b/c I cant charge them at work. 2. I could care less what it looks like. I've heard some ppl say they want a vp that looks like an analog, but I really don't care. 3. I don't want to have to work on a mod myself. I really don't have the time to mess with doing a mod myself. 4. I would prefer to buy a new vp as a kit with everything I need...atty, batt, cart, and charger. So, what am i looking for? Thanks for any help!
  4. Where can I find the best price for atty's for my 510? I need about 3 to 5.
  5. Thanks everyone for the help and info. I love this forum...everyone has been so nice!! --Kevin
  6. Ok, so I received my Joye 510 today from Vapor Kings, and I have to say I love it. I did have a few problems today though...my throat is really dry, I have a tingling on my toungue, and I think I may have overdosed on Nicotine because I'm still smoking analogs some(which I hope to stop soon), and I have a bad headache and just feel run down. Anyways, I have a few questions: 1. How can I limit my Nicotine intake? I have found that since there is nothing to burn down like an analog, I keep puffing on my PV all the time. 2. Will the dry throat eventually go away? 3. Should I be dripping or using filled carts? 4. What PCC should I get? 5. Where can I get a good sampler pack of juice? I want to try different flavors to find out what I like. Thanks for the input.
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