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    PA, USA

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Alright everyone I have an important question to ask everyone. I have been quit of all nicotine products for almost 7 days now. I'm mainly doing it for my wife, if I vaped no nicotine e juice would it help with some of the cravings I'm having? Or will it intensify it?
  2. Thanks everyone who recommended the Ego. I ordered it online from alt smoke.com I'm currently waiting to receive, it's been almost a week so far (I hate USPS!), but I'll let you guys know how it is. I'm itching to quit smoking. Since I'm new: What are the best e-juice suppliers/product?
  3. Alright, so what's the difference between pg/vg liquid. I sorry for asking noob questions but I really want to try this. The blu didn't cut it for me, so i'm looking at the ego. Should I go with a tank system?
  4. Thanks everybody for the responses. Another question: Do you feel like a nonsmoker now that you vap?
  5. Hello, I'm a rookie, in regards to ecigs, and was wondering if anybody could help me. I'm thinking of switching to ecigs for the better health benefits and to fully quit my addiction. I was concerned because I tried this before and I think the Blu ecigs got me really sick with a chest cold in the summer. Is this possible or was it just something else? Also, are there any dangers to ecigs? Like I said I'm trying to quit but I was concern about getting sick. If anybody could reply it would be greatly appreciated. On a final note: Any tips on a cheap product other than blu that i could use...the best cig simulation. I really want to quit smoking.
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