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  1. Picked up a evic from tha vape shack 808
  2. Great review. I was one that won too. Used it this weekend and worked great. Everything you said covered it to the T! From all the good to even the ending where I wirshed it was a 510 too.....i was able to get an adapter and slap on a slim vivi nova. Really loved like you said you dont and have to prime....just puff and pound. I have people here in hawaii wanting this from me. I keep telling them nope because this is like the only thing I have ever won. Lol anyways good review. And just to afd I like that there is no button and that obnoxious bright light...perfect for vaping at the movies...,aloha! And mahalo V4L
  3. Thevapeshack808.com in maui makes good juice
  4. Aloha
  5. Fat elvis and beetlejuice from the vapeshack 808! Good stuff
  6. Doing this myself for the first time today.....
  7. Mahalo for the warm welcome, ninjabat vaping here is sweet. Looking forward to all the info you guys have to offer. Aloha
  8. Aloha! Just wanted to introduce myself
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