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Everything posted by jsr27

  1. What's the pros and cons of using a smaller diameter micro coil?
  2. I saw that I can get a smoke tech magneto mod for 40 bucks. Is it a good mod for a sub ohm beginner? What other mech mods are reasonably priced and good? Also what's a good bottom coil rba for it? Help me please.
  3. Will a 1.3ohm coil use more or less liquid than a 2.0 or 2.5ohm coil. I'm trying to save liquid. Any recommended help is appreciated! ..
  4. I'm using a vamo v5 and just bought some real Panasonic 18650 batteries and just noticed that its heating up when I vape on it a few times. Is this normal? What should I do?
  5. jsr27

    kayfun clone

    Is it really worth it to get a cheaper clone of the Kay fun. I'm looking to buy one but don't want to waste my time and money on a clone when I can get the real thing and be set. Thanks
  6. Any body have a good recipe to taste close to dekang Salem? I'm gonna attempt to make my own liquid. This is the first time I've ever done this and if anyone can help me with how to do this and what to buy I would appreciate it. Is it cheaper to make my own or just buy it at my vapor store? It cost 12.99 at my vapor store. Thanks
  7. What's the best 18650 battery to use with a camp. I need to have last along time and give great performance. I use the stacked 18350 batteries and they don't last long at all and lose performance. Will the 18650 have better performance? What mah should I go with?
  8. I'm using 32ga. Twisted kanthal on my pro tank and need to know how many wraps to reach 2.0 ohms. I know how to make micro coils and I'm tired of wasting kanthal just guessing. Thanks
  9. I'm on the market for the best rba out there. I don't have a clue which is best. I don't want to go half way. I want the best so if y'all could name some of the best and name the best I would really appreciate it. I want to have the best experience possible with the vamo v5. Also if you could tell me how many wraps I would need to reach 2.0ohms to 2.5ohms range. Also if I build it dual coil how does the ohms work? Is it less wraps or more wraps on dual coils? Thanks for the help.
  10. jsr27

    kayfun lite question

    I use a vamo v5
  11. jsr27


    Which genuine Kayfun is the best? Which one has the adjustable air flow control and which one is easiest to rebuild? I also need to know who has the cheapest prices. Thanks
  12. I'm getting a kayfun lite plus and am wondering if ribbon works better than wire. If so I want to vape around 2.0 ohms. Is that possible? Which size should I use?
  13. If I'm using a Kay fun lite plus with cotton micro coils. Whats the best wire to use kanthal or nichcrome? What's the difference?thanks!
  14. jsr27

    kayfun lite question

    Will I be able to get 2 ohms with twisted 28 or 30 gauge kanthal?
  15. jsr27

    kayfun lite question

    I'm gonna get a Kay fun lite. Am I going to be able to reach 2.0 ohms? I'm using a vamo v5 and is this a good rba to use with the vamo? If not what rba do you recommend that's rebuildable. Thanks
  16. I'm going to buy a new tank and am looking at the Kay fun but can't decide on which one to buy. There's the Kay fun lite,lite plus,lite 3.1 and don't know the difference. I see they make a clone that's cheaper but is it worth it? Pleas help.
  17. Im using a pro tank 3 and I'm having trouble rebuild it because the tube where the coils are is very hard to wrap a 28 gauge kanthal. Is there a tank that has a wider tube that will fit a good sized 28 gauge coil? I like 2.5 ohm and is it gonna be wide enough to fit that target? I just learned how to make micro coils and works great
  18. Alright I know how to make micro coils now and have had several successful rebuilds. I'm using the vamo v3 with a protank 3 and 32 ga. Kanthal. When I wrap the coils so far I can only get it to 3.3 ohms. My target is 2.0 ohms to 2.5 ohms. Can you tell me how many wraps I need to reach my target? I have some 28 and 26 ga. Kanthal. Would that help and which ga. Should I use? The problem I'm having with the thicker kanthal is its hard to fit in the tiny head. Thanks
  19. How do you get them so close?
  20. Thanks for the info but when using 32ga. I can't get the coils close enough together to fit in the atomizer body. It always turns out not working. Got any tips to get the coils closer together? Can the coils touch each other? Help me!!!!
  21. If I'm trying to reach 3 ohms which ga kanthal should I use. I'm now using 32 ga. Kanthal. Its hard to make a coil that fits inside the body of my pro tank 3 for 3 ohms. If I use a thicker Ga. Kanthal I would be able to use less wraps right? What Ga. Do you recommend? Also I'm using cell cotton to make my wicks. Should I stay with kanthal or should I use nichrome wire for cell cotton? I hear that the ribbon wire is better. If I use it will I be able to reach my 3ohm target easier than kanthal wire? Thanks
  22. Im looking at the Vamo v5 to buy but want some opinions on the best mod for the money. I already have a Vamo v3 and its been good but time to replace. I can only spend about $30.00 for it but is there something that will perform better for cheap? I never use the vw settings. I only use CV settings. Do I need to buy a vw device? Hope I get some good feedback! I don't want to be stuck buying something that I don't need when I also could be getting better performance. Thank you
  23. I use 32 ga. Kanthal. If I change to a thicker kanthal will I get lower resistance or higher? Thanks
  24. jsr27

    ohms question

    I got the cellucotton from Sally's and absolutely love it!! I've found that the lower resistance vapes better and flavor is much better than high resistance. I guess I'm wrapping single coils cause I don't know how to make it dual coil. Is there any sites or videos that can teach me how to? Send me a link please.
  25. jsr27

    ohms question

    So the cellucotton will give more flavor than regular cotton. I use 70/30 ratio liquid. Do I just roll up the cellucotton up like I do cotton?
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