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Everything posted by ThePhillyPhil

  1. What does VG and PG mean?
  2. What would happen if I just mixed together the Glycerin and Flavoring and DID NOT add in nicotine juice?? (Also does anyone have a recipe for e-Liquid that creates the most amount of vapor and flavor?) Thank you !!
  3. I am working on a mod to connect it to my hookah from the bowl.... Still needs some tinkering. I will update.
  4. There seems to be a pretty big underground community of e-cig smokers and there are no bans in China. From my years of experience in dealing with Chinese Virtual Assistance, they will send something to you in the mail whether it is legal or not. They are also pretty good about getting things through customs and to your door step. So even if they ban it in your state you will still be able to get supplies. In my opinion.
  5. I am not a cigarette smoker... never was. I am a HUGE Hookah Smoker and I have not been able to find a Vapor / E-Cig Hookah. Does anyone know if one exists out there? My biggest concern is that a regular e-cig or pass through will not be able to generate the huge smoke clouds like a hookah would. So I am not opposed to making an e-cig Hookah by piping together 3 or 4 usb 5 volt Pass throughs. Has anyone ever taken a few puffs from 2 or 3 e-cigs at a time? How do E-cigs compare to a hookah? The Drawn? The throat hit? The smoke cloud production?
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