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Everything posted by Ursala

  1. Dang-it! I just ordered 2 EVOD's from Brian on Friday & I need some of those too. The ones I ordered from another place are janky. Oh well, I guess I should have asked.
  2. EC Blends is good because you can customize your own flavors. Just order the sample bottles first. Some of the flavors I thought I would like are gross & I enjoy some I thought I wouldn't like. Don't forget to let it steep. I also have heard wonderful things about Vapor Talk Dulcis & I'm excited to try it. The Vapor Room has a great deal for first time buyers as well. You get a free 15ml bottle with any purchase. Just try a lot of different brands & flavors. Out of 3 brands & over 20 flavors, I have 3 that I really love. With EC Blends Dragon's Blood being at the top of the list. All flavors from them are at the top of my list....for now anyways. And good choice with the Ego-C. That's what I have too. Since it came in the mail, I haven't lit up an analog. I would have one first thing in the morning, but not anymore. I ordered mine from Brian at www.theveteranvaper.com on a Thursday at midnight & it was here on Monday. Excellent customer service.
  3. WOW! Let me know how they turn out.
  4. I felt the same way about it. I left the top off a couple of days, then mixed it with some Dekang 555 & it was tolerable. It may be just me, but I'm not a fan of Dekang.
  5. Dragon's Blood w/extra flavor from EC Blends. It's the first flavor that I LOVE! I'll try the other flavors again after they have more time to steep. A few required a couple of days with the tops off to get rid of the perfume taste. Those were DeKang though.
  6. IMHO, I think that the Boge LR510 cartos tend to have more of a burnt taste faster than the EMDCC. I've never had a burnt taste with the larger carto. Probably because I realized that if I didn't allow it time to cool off & wick up more liquid, I would burn the atty up in it. So after I wasted about 6 Boge, I opened two of the larger ones & I rotate them. So far, so good. I haven't burnt it up yet. I'm having the same problem with tanks too. So I'm just using the EMDCC's for now. I just now found a vape that I like enough to try to put in the Vivi Nova, but I don't want to waste the juice if I mess it up. (This Dragon Blood is liquid gold.) So I'm holding off on it for now. That burnt taste sure is discouraging isn't it? Good Luck!
  7. I really want to try Dulcis from VT, but I'll wait on that one.
  8. Joyetech eGo-C starter kit from the http://www.theveteranvaper.com/ which includes: (2) eGo-C 2 650mAh Battery (2) eGo-C Atomizer Base (2) eGo-C Cone (5) eGo-C 2.2ohm Atomizer Head (5) eGo-C Empty Clear Tank Cartridges (1) eGo-C USB Rapid Charger (1) eGo-C Flat AC-USB Wall Adapter (2) Rubber mouthpiece cover (1) eGo-C Manual (1) Pouch (best starter kit around with the best price) 2- eGo Mega Dual Coil Cartos 1-Vision ViVi Nova Tank V3 1-Vision ViVi Nova Replacement Coil 15- Boge LR 510 Cartos 1-510 Delrin Drip Tip 1-eGo 2.4ml CC Long Wick Clearomizer 1-eGo CC Long Wick Replacement Coil 2-Joye 510 LR Atty A few bottles & syringes Cotton Candy Blueberry Pina Colada RY4 3&5 All Dekang, 11mg, 80PG/20VG All above from the Veteran Vaper ------------------------------------------------------------------ And then...from http://www.ecblendflavors.com/ : Summer Splash Dragon's Blood Caramel Macchiato--extra flavor, extra caramel RY4 Black Cherry Peach Dragon's Tear Watermelon Green Apple 7 Leaf Tobacco Peach Watermelon Cantaloupe White Peach All 12mg 50/50, 5ml And a flavorless 24mg 50/50, in case I need extra nic. A couple of friend tips A Smoktech Knucklehead Drip Tip A few blunt tip needle caps Yep, that should get me started.
  9. This should be labeled: This area is for advanced members only. Lol, I'll come back to this in a couple of months.
  10. Hi! Explore the site, absorb the info. There are mountains of information here. Don't be afraid to ask questions. I've learned so much already & I've only been on here for 4 days.
  11. Thanks! I picked up some juice & refilled the carts I already have. Worked perfectly. I've made my final decision on my first REAL setup....a eGo-C with a bunch of different tanks, carts & attys, so I can find out what I like best. Brian from http://theveteranvaper.com has been so very helpful with all my questions. I can't remember who recommended him, but thanks. All of you guys are so knowledgeable, such a valuable resource.
  12. Thank you! You guys are so helpful.
  13. Well I had my mind made up buying an Ego Tank, but after reading this thread, I'm not so sure. I just want something with a long lasting battery & produces enough vapor for a good throat hit. Flavor is important too.
  14. I'm ordering an Ego Tank in a few days, but I may pick up some ejuice until then. I had no idea that an electronic cigarette could be so complicated, yet so exciting! I'm very grateful for sites like this. I have learned so much already.
  15. Thank you! I didn't know that.
  16. I ordered the Premium Ecigarette Starter Kit - PR111.
  17. Obviously, I am new to this forum & I am new to vaping. I've started out with a Premium E-cig starter with the long 5v battery . Half way through the cart, it tastes terrible! I'm also having a hard time getting enough vapor to satisfy the craving. Should I switch to a manual battery, or switch to a different brand all together? I like the convience of the carts, but I'm not against using the e-liquid either. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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