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About ColoradoKrissy

  • Birthday November 15

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  1. When my daughter and I cleaned my house after I dropped the analogs a few weeks ago, I got a few boxes of TSP (this is what is on the box). It is trisodium phosphate, a bunch of old rags, and a lot of elbow grease. It is alot of work but well worth it. Your house will be odor-free! A few bowls of popourri, or scented candles or oils, incense (whatever your fav aromatherapy might be) and your house will smell amazing!
  2. As you know, I went to the Dr. last Thursday and was released back to work for Monday. I felt pretty good after I got home from the doc, but later ont that evening, I started to not feel good. My lungs felt like they had been through a paper shredder. I couldn't lay down, I couldn't sit up....I was absolutely miserable. I tried to sleep sitting up on the couch. I dozed here and there, and saw a couple of movies I didn't know existed anymore. Jeff gets up in the morning and says, "You feeling any better?" He could tell by the look on my face the answer was a definate NO. He asked me if I wanted to go to ER. Being my usual stubborn self, I shake my head no. About 15 minutes later, he asked again. Again, I said no. He asked a third time about 5 minutes later and I said yes. So, off to the hospital we go. I get to the ER, they take me in, check me out, and am immediately put into ICU. As it turns out, I don't have COPD. What I HAD is pulmonary embolism, or better known as blood clots in the lung. Even worse, I had them in both lungs. Then to top things off, my heart was in atrial fibrilation, and a part of my heart is enlarged. Not sure what part though. Got the a-fib under control with meds for now, but may still need to get my heart shocked to get it back to a normal rythym. I was in ICU for 4 days, then up to regular room. I had a neighbor that had visitors until 11pm, and his alarm was going off constantly. Their solution was to hand me a pair of ear plugs.... The next day I told them they needed to move him, or move me- either way, someone was moving. So they wait ALL day before moving me. I know, I know... I did get moved, but that isn't the point. Then, I get Nurse Ratchett. She came into my room at 1am, BELLOWING my name saying she had some meds for me. I'm like, OMG! Not the best bedside manner. She did this to me 3 other times that night. On the third time, I asked (ok, I yelled at her. But hey, she yelled at me 1st) her, "Can you possibly get any louder! I don't think the rest of the floor is awake!" Is this how she normally wakes ppl up who are sick and now have a heart condition??!! I said to her, "Ya know, it would behoove you to not wake ppl up by bellowing their name, you need to learn a different way." She said, "Well, some ppl don't like to be touched when waking them up." I told her, "I bet they would be more apt to a gentle touch, then the drill sargeant approach. You need to get out of my room right now, and I want a different nurse." So, the next morning, doc comes in and says, I wanna keep you 1 more night. I asked him if he talked to the night nurse, he said no. I suggested he might want to do that, then explained what happened. He said he still wanted to keep me 1 more night. So, I had to endure ANOTHER night with Drill Sargeant Ratchett! The first time she came in and woke me up by bellowing my name, she got a water bottle thrown at her and was told to NOT come back into my room EVER!! The doc comes in next morning and, jokingly, says he wants to keep me another night. I didn't crack a smile. What he got was the "if-I-could-get-out-of-this-bed-and-kick-your-***-without-dying-I-would look. I also told him that if he knew how much of a B***H I am now, he did not want to see me tomorrow. And if I was here tomorrow, he might wanna just skip my room all together, cause he was my next target if he kept me in Hospital Hell with Drill Sargeant Ratchett somone was gonna pay, and PAY BIG, and it wasn't gonna be me. So, he scurried out of my room, got my discharge papers together and I was discharged yesterday. That isn't the whole story, but the story in a nutshell. Sorry, but I HAD to rant! That was the WORST hospital experience in my ENTIRE 50 years of life on this planet.....
  3. OH EM GEE!! Well, let me start by saying that is such complete and utter BS!! Second, my roomie just got back from another trip to Colorado, and he VAPED ON THE PLANE- to and from CO. The flight attendants came back and asked him if he was smoking (both flights), and he replied no. Then PROUDLY explained what vaping was, told them about this site, and recommended a few supplier sites to them (he does this EVERY chance he gets, and he LOVES doing this!). They were all very impressed!! Third, while at the doctors today I whipped out my big 801 (Aerosmith's "Big 10 inch" keeps rolling around in my head, for some reason ) because, with whats going on healthwise, I wanted to to be totally honest with her and let her know what I was putting in my lungs. She was very impressed, said it was an excellent idea, and said she was going to start recommending them to ppl who are having a hard time putting the analogs down. So, tell your boss to put THIS in his pipe and smoke it!! As for your co-worker.... I have a lot of choice, and censored, words for him but I'll keep it clean. Some ppl just aren't happy if they don't have something to b*tch about Or, he is jealous of your success, both work-wise and with the vaping. Or, his only happiness he has is making someone else miserable. Or, maybe he has no life outside of work and feels the need to micro-manage yours. I could go on and on, but I wont. I think you get the pic Just take his attitude with a grain of salt and don't let him bother you. Although, after being a gamer for the last 25 or 30 years, I would just
  4. LOL at this thread!! I, myself, would call it the "Green-eyed MONSTER!"
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