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About Lyrical

  • Birthday February 22

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    Vaping - of course, 5K walks/runs, gardening, WoW.

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  1. I'm always up for more pictures too Steve!! I'm ready for spring to get here so I can see my 6 box turtles again! I always worry that they won't make it over winter, and we've had an especially hard winter here.
  2. Well, my V81 arrived Tuesday. I charged both batteries that same day and have been using it ever since with the first battery! It took a while to get used to the bottom button but I've got that now. I like the size and weight of it. I've got a full size Vivi Nova tank on it and it looks fine. I'm waiting for some full size Kanger ProTanks to arrive, all I have is the mini size. The rainbow color is really nice, it's brighter colored than the rainbow Vision Spinner I have. So...so far, so good. It's what I was hoping it'd be when I ordered it. I don't have anything of any better quality to compare it to so I don't know any different.
  3. Yes, I do. I have several different eGos in varying mAh including a Twist and a couple Spinners, an iTaste VV, an iTaste MVP and the V81 mechanical mod with a 18650 battery I just received yesterday. I have mainly Vivi Novas - mini and regular size, iClear30s, CE5 v2s and Kanger mini ProTank IIs. Most of my juices are 70/30 or 80/20 and 16 to 24mg. nicotine.
  4. Oh Tam...please give your mother a huge hug for me! Hugs to you too! I understand. I lost my mom to COPD and emphysema 17 years ago. We suspected she had either one or both for years but she refused to go to the doctor. She smoked for 50 years and was up to two cartons of cigarettes a week. She broke her arm and as they were putting her under sedation to operate on it, they discovered her breathing difficulties. She was then diagnosed and started treatment. She ended up getting pneumonia and passed away 9 1/2 weeks later. She made me promise to stop smoking. I promised I would. I just didn't say when. Obviously I finally made good on that promise a year ago! 18 months ago, after a cold turned into bronchitis and sent me to the emergency room, I too was diagnosed with COPD and emphysema. I actually got a pack of my cigarettes out last night. I looked at them. I smelled them. I put them back! Woohoo! I can't go back to them, I just can't. I won't. I got my V8 mech mod in the mail today and found a brand new Vivi Nova tank I didn't know I had. This thing is big and heavy and I'm not used to the bottom button but IT VAPES and hopefully my 4 day bad vape streak is through! (knocks on wood) Thanks for your support Tam, and everyone, and Tam, remember to give your mother hugs for me!
  5. I don't need huge clouds, I'd just like to get as much vapor as I did smoke from a cigarette. I feel like it'd be more satisfying.
  6. I get a lot of my juices from Mt. Baker Vapor. I just checked my receipts, my orders range from 2 to 4 days to get to me. I especially like that you can have them add extra flavor "shots" to your bottles.
  7. My bad vape day has turned into three bad vape days so far! I don't get it.
  8. Most of mine are at least a year old. I've only had one break...and it was my fault.
  9. I need to get rid of the remaining smoker's mentality I still have...I always think..."It was much easier with cigarettes"..."I wouldn't have this problem with a pack of 20 cigarettes". Yeah, I know, I'd have more problems, cancer, COPD, smell, etc. but still...it aggravates me.
  10. Ever have a bad vape day? All day long it seems like I've done nothing but fight with my batteries and tanks. For no apparent reason, both eGos I took with me when I went shopping weren't working. I came home and tried to get them to work - nothing. Tried several other batteries, tanks and combinations of both - nothing. Went to my old 808 and cartomizer that I used a week or so ago when this same thing happened - nothing. I cleaned my Kanger mini Pro Tank and replaced the coil, then spilled juice all over the place because I wasn't paying attention and tried to fill it with the tip off. Of course, that was the last of my favorite watermelon juice too! I FINALLY have an eGo and Vivi Nova tank working but it's not giving me much vapor. OMG! It's a good thing the three packs of cigarettes I still have here are over a year old or I think I'd be smoking them!
  11. I'm intrigued...where do you get this?
  12. Another thing I had been thinking of in wanting to get a mod is...I thought it would be more cost effective to just have to buy single batteries rather than buying new eGos or whatever when the old ones wear out. It's all still cheaper than smoking...
  13. I just thought that was the "next step". I have the KR808d-1s I started out with, I have several eGos - from 450 mAh to 1100 mAh, a 1100 Vision Spinner and a 1300 mAh Vision Spinner, a1300 mAh Ego-C Twist, an iTaste MVP VV and an iTaste MVP. Obsessive...or normal, I'm not sure.
  14. I hadn't thought that far yet. A neighbor's suppose to have something for me to try out.
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