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Everything posted by Snik

  1. Anybody seen this site? http://www.truthaboutecigs.com/scares.php
  2. http://www.officialwire.com/main.php?action=posted_news&rid=152454 Is it an infomercial or what? I didn't see anywhere that it says who conducted the study.
  3. The response I got from a supplier: "that is a bunch of poo. .....I am a supplier. It was held by customs, I doubt it was confiscated. For whatever reason they are holding the package, it is not illegal to manufacture these in China, or anywhere else for that matter. We could do it here if somebody had enough money. It is the liquid that is potentially hazardous, not the e-cig."
  4. Anybody know nything about this? From Wikipedia article here "However, as of March 2010, a US Court of Appeals reinstated the FDA's authority to stop e-cigarettes from entering the country. The agency said in its appeal that it has regulated nicotine products, including nicotine patches, for years under the drug and device provisions of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA). The agency argued that tobacco legislation enacted last year "expressly excludes from the definition of 'tobacco product' any article that is a drug, device or combination product under the FDCA, and provides that such articles shall be subject to regulation under the pre-existing FDCA provisions."[37]" It sounds like the FDA got what they wanted. Are we all out of luck now?
  5. What is all that stuff about antifreeze, and unknown quantities of carcinogens that lady was talking about? Where did she get that from? What we really need is definitive study(s) by a lab or labs on various e-cigs and juices that shows what is being inhaled. The only one I know of is one from New Zealand. New Zealand Study But it was only specific to one brand. Frankly, I've often wondered about what is in the juices also. After all, they do come from China. Not exactly a country that instills confidence in it's quality control. Edited: I am sure she got her info from this FDA Warning and this FDA analysis summary Actual analysis is Here Still, we need some good ammunition on our side far beyond what we have now.
  6. I still smoke one with my coffee in the morning, then maybe one on the way to work. That's pretty much it, and I probably wouldn't do that if my wife didn't still smoke analogs. I just ordered a Joye for her. If I can get her off of them that should do it for me.
  7. Never mind.
  8. This has probably been covered elsewhere but I couldn't find it in the first few pages. I am using 24 concentration right now. Just what does that mean? Is it 24 mg of nicotine per ml, or per drop or several drops? I've had a 10ml bottle for a couple of weeks now and it's about 1/2 full. I'm trying to get a good reading on my nicotine intake compared to regular cigs (smoked about 1/2 - 2/3 pack per day before).
  9. Snik


    Thanks. That's pretty much what I figured. As long as you have nicotine in your system they will consider it tobacco use. No other way for them to test for it really.
  10. Has anyone gone to their health/life insurance companies and gotten unrated for tobacco use after going to vaping? I'm just wondering what their position is, if they have one.
  11. I am guessing the "cart" is the little filter thing you put the juice in. How often do you have to change that out, or do they last indefinitely?
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