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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. But, to your is vapor addiction real question...since I have never done it, I can't say, but I imagine the nicotine addiction is still very real. And, beyond that, it's the action for me. That's what I missed most when I quit smoking for a couple months once. I like the hand to mouth action. So, is it much different from any other addiction? Waking up and drinking coffee? The feeling of needing to eat sugar or salt? Chronic gum chewing? Alcohol? I don't know yet, but I'm guessing it's not all that different. I know, for me, I want this to be a means to an end. (Besides health concerns and how it stinks, I'm tired of having to carry extra "stuff" with me and keep track of it. Also worrying about having enough smokes to last through the day, etc. It's just getting old and annoying.) I'm hoping that I can cut my juice strengths down to zero nicotine eventually and be totally done with the addictions of nicotine and action and I can stop toting around the extra luggage.
  2. Congratulations on quitting, Penn! I just ordered my first e-cig in hopes of doing the exact same thing. I think I will have a problem calling vaping "smoking", though. They are two different things, aren't they? I think they are.
  3. After several votes for this option, it is what I have chosen and ordered! Thanks for the help. Now, I need to order some juice...but it was suggested I get 24mg and VT is sold out of the sample pack and Dulcis in that strength. Any other suggestions?
  4. Hi, Joe...thanks for your thoughts (and they really DO matter since I'm a total newbie to this). I don't see a 510 kit on VT.
  5. LOL, I'm getting confused between my threads. I guess I should have stayed in one place instead of being forum hyper. How long do atty's last? There's a 3 pack deal...
  6. Brian, thanks for the help. I was thinking 24mg would be the way to go, but wanted another opinion, so I appreciate the advice. Besides the kit, and the juices that come with it, is there anything else I will need to get started? I know I can get car chargers and other goodies, but I will look in to those as I need them. Also, any idea how long the two small bottles of juice will last (I know everyone is different, but I don't know if most people use a bottle a day, half a bottle, a quarter...)? Should I order more immediately? Now I have to pick my juice flavors. That's the hardest part, but also sounds like fun!
  7. Hi, brand new to vaping...just started reading about it last night, but I'm intrigued. I'm considering purchasing the Spade kit. I've smoke a pack a day of Marlboro Lights 100's, and I'm not sure what strength juice to order with the kit. Thoughts or advice?
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