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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Well, I got my Atomic Cinnacide yesterday. I like it, but I think I expected more from all the rave reviews I've read. Personally, could be a step or two hotter for me. I don't get much from the exhale...kind of blah. But, I haven't vaped much else since it came, so that says something, too. I ordered Spiced Rum as well and I think I like it, but I really need to try it with a fresh atty and have been too lazy to get one out. I'll keep vaping AC...like I said, I do like it. I'm hoping it steeps a little over time and gets a bit better for me.
  2. Thanks, Brian! ::stares out window waiting for mailguy:
  3. One more question as I am crossing my fingers that my AC arrives today (it's in town)! I don't have a container large enough to mix 5oz of liquid together, but if I read the mixing ratios correctly, I can mix a syringe of nic juice with 3 syringes full of doubler and get approx a 12mg juice...right? I'm a bit nervous because of the strong nic I ordered...don't want to O.D. on the stuff.
  4. I'm with you...but, he won't and I respect that. I've given up on winning one...it's not my style to play games for prizes, no matter how good. (Umm, unless it's a slot machine or the lottery. ) It's okay, I'm slowly learning to live with it. Congrats to all of you that have won one of these beauties...and some of you have won more than one. Double or triple congrats!
  5. Can anyone point me toward a discussion on VT about what all of this means for PVs? Have we discussed this?
  6. Thanks Aimee & Brian! I saw that chart on their site, but wanted to be sure my non-mixing brain understood it correctly before I ruined a whole lot of liquid!
  7. I'm going to order a 1oz TV Atomic Cinnacide (48mg) and a 4oz doubler. If I read their site correctly I just mix the two bottles together to get to just under 10mg. Is this correct? I'm not sure I have a bottle large enough to do this.
  8. Sorry, Chris...didn't realize. Okay, if I buy 36mg juice and split it three ways....
  9. I have a question about this AC mixing... If I buy the 48mg 1 oz. juice and a 4 oz doubler (both at 10% VG?), will this allow me to cut down to around 12mg? Won't this give me a boatload of juice? Seems like a lot...I'm used to mL when talking juice.
  10. Thanks, everyone! And, nana, THANK YOU! I knew I missed you guys!
  11. Thanks, Aimee and snubb. Funny thing is, I feel okay...just tired of coughing. You know, when your ribs and abs hurt. On that note, what's everyone think of VT Clever Clove? That's what I'm vaping right now, but given my remaining congestion, it's kind of hard to taste.
  12. I'm dealing with it this week and I've been analog free for about 48 hours. Couldn't inhale without throwing myself into fits of coughing that almost literally put me on the floor. WTH, I though, am I doing?? So, last evening I pulled out my eGo and tentatively took a draw (waiting for the coughing fit). Nothing. Took another. Ahhh, I actually think I'm breathing BETTER today since vaping. I know they use PG in breathing treatments, so it must be mini breathing treatments. Anyway, I would really like to put down the analogs this time. Really.
  13. BreakingBad, I set you an email about an issue I'm having.
  14. It's still simple math...if you make/have more money you pay more in taxes. I find it interesting how people think billionaires can lose millions and not care. When you break it down, though it's still more money overall, there is no difference if we are talking hundreds or millions. A loss is a loss and it's all equal to those paying the tax. Lose enough millions of your billions and you are left with millions, and so on. The problem in these cases is nobody can seem to remove their compassion from the truth of the matter. While the poor man may be devastated and the rich man won't, it doesn't mean it's okay that the poor man pay nothing and the rich man pay more.
  15. The rich man paid more. Simple math. 10% is still 10% whether we're talking hundreds or millions.
  16. Hi, Lioness! The eGo is a great choice! Someone will correct me if any of this information is wrong, but here are my thoughts... Yes, you will need a couple drip tips. When dripping, you use regular atomizers, not cartomizers. Cartomizers hold a bunch of juice at once and there is no need to drip, which is very nice when your driving or just tired of dripping. How much do you smoke? Pack a day? More/less? I smoked a pack of Marlboro Light 100's per day and I found the 24mg juice to be a bit to "strong" for me. It would give me the jitters...like drinking too much coffee can. I stay around 10-16mg now and also have several flavors of zero nic for times when I know I'm vaping more heavily and don't want or need the extra nicotine. Everyone is different on how nicotine affects them, though, so this will be a personal decision for you. Safe bet to start in the "medium" range, though. I ordered my Joye 510 kits from cignot when I first started and didn't have any trouble with them at all. Since Brian posted his link, however, I may need to buy a kit from Puresmoker as backup. Thanks, Brian! Good luck, MtnLioness!
  17. Looks like we need ONE more person! C'mon chickens!
  18. I've been using a cartomizer for a couple of weeks now...not one flood. I was good at flooding attys.
  19. Thanks, Chris. It's good to know you've got our backs!
  20. It's very confusing at first, qt. You didn't get it "wrong"...just "mixed up". Take Brian up on his offer and you're all set. Of course, if you hold on to the LR attys you WILL eventually use them with a new mod.
  21. I see.
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