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  1. Hey! So i've been using a DSE 901 and have been dripping directly onto the atomizer. Yes i have automatic batteries, and yes it is not recommended, but i haven't had any problems with juice leaking into the battery (i check the connections often to make sure no juice is making its way down into the battery hole). Anyways, i noticed the draw getting very tough and my atomizer was turning brown, assuming its from old juice and "gunk". All was good until wham, i got a lung full of burnt taste. I dripped some more, and still that nasty burnt taste. I was getting vapor, so i knew it had to be a burnt juice problem vs. a dying atomizer problem. Time to try cleaning my atomizer! I ran the atomizer over hot boiling water for several minutes, making sure to dissolve all the old gunk and juice. Then i soaked the atomizer in Isopropyl alcohol for an hour or so. After this, i ran more boiling water through the atomizer. Finally, using compressed air, i blew all the water out of the atomizer (i could visually see water coming out of the atomizer). I let it dry for about 12 hours. First thing i noticed was the atomizer looked brand new, no brown, no gunk. I primed the atomizer with several drops of ejuice, and began vaping. The draw was like brand new, and the vapor was awesome, no burnt taste. TRY THIS METHOD, let me know if it works for you. I think the key is to let your atomizer dry COMPLETELY before using.
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