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  1. thanks for the all the answers, I will probably trim the card and give it a shot.
  2. Been dripping with the 510, and it always seems that the carts begin to melt and I produce more vapor at the end then I did at the beginning without any flavor. I'm just curious, is it because I'm melting the tip of the cart? Is there a way I'm suppose to align the cart with the atty to make sure it doesn't melt?
  3. Does running the atty's through hot water for a few minutes and blowing it out work at all? Or do you think boiling is the only way to get most of the gunk out when using really thick flavors?
  4. You just boil the atty's? How long do you keep them in there before you take them out?
  5. I bought the Volcano E-Cigs for my first unit, I believe they are the same model, L88B or something like that. But after I got my Joye 510 from Arno, I've placed it in my back-up storage just in case something ever happened. These to me are the start models, they work fine, but after doing some research and finding out that you can directly drip on the 510s, I've never looked back. I'd go with what people here are saying and just save the money for liquid and other accessories.
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