Hello! This is my first post, and I'd like to share my experiences with vaping thus far.
First off, my vaping set up is composed of various tanks, mainly being Vivi Novas and the like, and a couple pass-through Smoktech batteries.
I still enjoy using cartomizers on occasion instead of a tank. I feel like I get a faster hit, and it's less of a hassle in my opinion. I'm sure others could argue with this, but something about it feels different than a tank to me.
I really enjoy the pass-through batteries. I do a lot of work at the computer, and it is great to have a consistently charged battery. I also have two standard Blu brand e cigs, which.. Well, they haven't failed me yet. I get a little worked up about carrying around my Smoktech pass-throughs with me, when I go outside (anxiety.) The Blu's make me feel more comfortable.
I've gotten some dirty looks because of my smoktech, sadly.. I still bring it out when I walk though, when I'm not feeling anxious. xD
As for liquid, I have tried PG-80/VG-20 and PG-20/VG-80. I have two tanks that were gifted to me. I believe they work better with higher PG with my battery. I think the Vivi tanks work fine with just about any liquid, lol. My favorite flavors both happen to be pie flavors from a certain website. I think I like more sweet flavors than fruity, or anythng like that.
But yeah, that's all. I just wanted to share this. Maybe it'll help someone, if not the post itself, then maybe someone's response to this.
Anyway, thanks for reading!