UPDATE: I've been vaping for over a month now and my wife has jumped on board as well. Been a month without a cig for her and she has more vv batteries than I do already!!
My favorite juice as of now is French vanilla coffee from sweet-vapes. I've been exploring others but always got back to that one. Bout to try some raging b**** from rawr, I've heard good reviews on that. I've tried brass monkey from Kalamazoo and didn't care for it at the time, but after messing with some that were just horrible I might grab another bottle of it and revisit it.
Been doing my research and stumbled across this forum about a week ago. I'm currently a Pall Mall pack a day smoker and am getting ready to order a kit this evening or tomorrow.
So after reading tons of posts here and YouTube vids, various websites and reviews, this is what I'm planning on purchasing.
Ego twist (more than likely the 1100mah)
Nova vivi 3.5
Couple packs of boge lr cartos
Juice (few different bottles)
Cones to fit flush with tank
Ok...I've seen nothing but good reviews on the ego, especially for starters. I drive during the day for work so I believe the nova 3.5 would be more suitable throughout the day. Ego twist for ample batt life throughout the day as well.
Any opinions or thoughts or 2¢ worth are welcomed. I'm sure I might be forgetting something and won't realize it till after I place my order so I thought I'd throw my game plan out here for discussion. I do plan on ordering my kit from theveteranvapor.com and might check out some other sites for juices.
One last note: I've been a member of various other forums in the past and had abandoned due to the drama like arguing amongst the members. After reading threads and post that go back two plus years here, I've seen n