Hello & Welcome! Congrats on deciding to quit. I second mcquinn on the ego type battery. My first ego style battery was a 650mah, and it pretty much lasted me a whole day without recharging. The Vision clearomizers are a great starter clearomizer, easy to fill and know when I was getting low on liquid. Since I started I upgraded to a 1300mah vision spinner (variable volt to customise to preference) and Kanger T3's.
This was the starter pack that I picked up...
This link has the Kanger T3's that I picked up from them. I also picked up a MT3 from them as well and is working just fine.
Hope this helps narrow down what you're looking for. As far as e-liquids, there are so many out there. I used to smoke regular & menthol, but it turns out that I prefer the sweeter/candy flavor liquids.