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About stancard

  • Birthday 09/04/1968

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    los angeles

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  1. OK I do know that silly me tried to install a new head from the top and didn't get it screwed all the way down even though i thought I had. Just so you know the time that i put the wrong heads in were from the replacements that came with my tank. just saying. good luck though cause i am out of ideas here if its none of those.
  2. I have had this issue before as well and found out that i was using the wrong heads. there are several styles, also you need to make sure that when you put the new head in that it is snug or you will get a leak that will go to about the half way point. You mentioned that you washed it. Check your lower cap and make sure you didn't lose your oring from inside, this not likely your problem as you said it appears to be coming out the airhole in the bottom. As for the burnt taste that can be an issue with your juice level being a little low try turning it upside down for a few about two or three seconds to wet the wick and try it again. if it still tastes burt you may need to trouble shoot a little (voltage changed or your using a head with a different ohm setting). try lowering your voltage a little and see if that helps. The ohm rating is written right on the head itself so try and find one that works best for your device and write it down and try and only get those heads.
  3. I am an online gamer. I found myself in front of the computer playing online games and I would lite a cig and put it down while I played and found myself burning 1/2 to 2/3 a pack of cigs without taking a drag. Well a online friend/teammate told me about ecigs and of he told me about using one of them while gaming just to keep from burning up cigs. Well I figured I would give it a try to at least cut down on the wasted cigs. Off to the local tobacco store I go and find a brand that seemed like a good fit (clerk tried to help as much as possible but was not very knowledgeable about ecigs). Well taste was a little off but seemed to work at least while i was in front of the computer. I was looking for more information and more variety and a stronger th. That being said I went on Yelp.com and searched e cigs and actually found a brick and mortar vape shop. I went in and asked questions and they were outstanding in answering all my questions even though I had stated to the clerk that I was not sure I was going to buy today, (gotta give VapeRevolution a shout out here as they were the shop in question). I walked out with a ego (don't remember the exact model) pen style drip set up and that was the last day I had a cigarette. I have since moved on to the Itaste MVP and love it. Its nice having a storefront so close to my house cause I can try before I buy juices and staff is always very helpful and great to meet other vapers.
  4. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/11/16/fda-is-trying-to-kill-smokers/ lets see how the FDA likes this headline.
  5. Try yelp.com i found one near my home that way. Search for e cigs
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