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Christopher's post in Photos was marked as the answer
Well I'll be darn. Let me be the first to apologize. I went on my phone and said "Fine I'll take a screenshot and show them how to post a picture" and....there isn't anywhere to post a picture. Why it's taken this long for me to realize... is embarrassing. In fact I could have sworn I added an attachment link.
A good part of this reason though is that when this software was released mobile was being used but not as wide spread as it is now. This is especially true since the tablet boom. Even my 80 year old neighbor is rocking skype and a gmail account. For example TapaTalk was released because at one point (before iOS 6) you couldn't upload to any website via iPhone. (That's no longer the case) While the SKIN/ THEME of this forum is fairly modern and up to date (especially for desktop users) the core is a little old. (Though it's solid. We very rarely have down time on the forum) It wasn't too long ago where our desktop user base was 80% now it's less than 40%. So we're starting to put a lot of focus on mobile we just haven't rolled out the changes for the forum just yet. (We store and front end now have a great mobile site)
At any rate we're testing the newest version of Vapor Talk on a test server (even the staff haven't had a chance to play with it yet) and the mobile site is MUCH much better and easier to use. In fact it's full featured. Basically the site scales itself down rather than running a mobile platform separately. This means that any feature you find on the desktop version of the forum, you'll find on the mobile. (Including picture uploads)
We're done updating the core files on the server and you'll likely see a major overhaul on the forum here pretty soon. (We're working on the back end as I type actually)
So hang tight! I promise the changes are almost here
Christopher's post in Everyone with a smoker banner please post here :) was marked as the answer
ok so the banners are now back Enjoy!
Christopher's post in One More Like For 3,000! was marked as the answer
And to think, I remember when this forum had only 5 members!
Christopher's post in Something wrong with the E-Liquid Catagory was marked as the answer
ha! You and I caught that bug at the same time. I was going through the logs and noticed the mobile site was loading on desktop versions. It probably just so happened that I fixed it right as you were clicking the other links.
I forgot to make some user agent adjustments (basically telling our CDN network to ignore certain agent depending on Mobile or Desktop) anyway should be resolved now
Christopher's post in Just a question about the VT juices and the sizes they come in was marked as the answer
I'll pass this up the chain and see if we can't get some more 30ML bottles in
Christopher's post in Store - No prices was marked as the answer
Sorry for the delay! We are out in China and can only connect to the forum through a VPN which has been a bit of a nightmare. I've got a good connection finally and will look into this ASAP
Christopher's post in Unable to post was marked as the answer
Suppliers can only post in classifieds section and their own sub forum. This is due to the amount of spam we received when allowing suppliers to post board wide.
Christopher's post in Vapor Talk Store - Suggestion was marked as the answer
Great idea. I will add this to our "to do" list
Christopher's post in I know this is silly, but was marked as the answer
This is something we could consider. The only issue is... we get a lot of requests to put AYZ link at the top and there is of course limited space but perhaps we could integrate a small icon or something similar
I will say that for the time being we won't be adding any new features until we roll out the next upgrade due shortly (IPB 4.0) once that's up and running we can resume adding requested features etc
Christopher's post in Vendors on the Forum was marked as the answer
We are always looking to improve our store even it it means the littlest changes, I noticed you mentioned "strength or flavor" It never really crossed my mind before but if you were confused by it, so are/will others. I'm going to change this text to "Nicotine Strength" to makes things clear for you and future customers
As for vendors, most on the board are legitimate and top notch, if they're not, the forum members pitchforks will come out faster than you can imagine. They're outed pretty quickly
Christopher's post in New Layout was marked as the answer
Alright folks I've created change log:
Change font size from 12 to 14 Change text color from gray to something close to black Fix Purple highlighting issue Possibly add "new content" link in the footer of the forum If I'm missing anything else, let me know and I'll update
Christopher's post in Admin Help was marked as the answer
Sorry it took so long to get back on this (the support system is always faster than the forum when it comes to webmasters related issue)
You should now be able to change your username. There was a permission issue that needed to be fixed for VIP members. If you're still having issues, feel free to contact us using the contact tab and I'll take another look at your account
Christopher's post in Kudos for Choosing Great Forum Software was marked as the answer
Thanks! You guys are making me blush
As far as forum software goes I agree, IPB is hands down the best. We've tweaked it quite a bit over the years but I don't think I'd ever make a switch. Way back when it used to be run on PHPBB3 (eh) but as it grew I quickly changed platforms. IPB 4.0 is due to be released pretty soon (they're on public beta right now) but given the amount of custom hooks etc we have we'll need to wait for a stable version before making the jump
Christopher's post in Providing Feedback & Suggestions - Welcome :) was marked as the answer
Just an FYI for everyone this issue has been fixed and resolved. You can now clear posts by sub forum as usual
Christopher's post in Clearing Forums from new posts was marked as the answer
Just wanted to follow up on this -
So it appears there is a glitch between the theme we use and the latest version of our forum software. Tom deals with the permission settings the template handles and he's working on it My guess is we'll have a fix once it passes testing by weeks end.
I'll of course report back again here once the fix has been applied.
Christopher's post in To The Powers That Be was marked as the answer
When you say added to spell check I assume you mean your browser? The forum itself doesn't have a spell check so this isn't something we could easily add. (Though you can always right click and add t your dictionary)
Christopher's post in Hi everyone! was marked as the answer
What you're actually talking about are product codes. Let me copy and paste this from CreigHB (I've quoted this before) It's 4am and easier than typing it all out
IMR is a product code. "I" stands for Lithium-Ion, "M" stands for the Manganese based chemistry, and "R" stands for rechargeable.
ICR is again a product code. Same as before except "C" stands for the Cobalt based chemistry.
Only the round cells commonly use these designators. There are flat cells or prismatic cells that use a Li-Ion chemsitry, but it's usually polymer based (plastic). I've never even seen the code designator for that. Everybody just calls them LiPo cells.
High drain means that the cell can handle high output currents. ICR cells are usually limited to 2 times the charge capacity in output drain. So, for example, a 750mAh 14500 ICR cell would be limited to two times 750mA or 1.5A. This is why this type of cell must be protected. It has the lowest drain capability and the highest volatility or flammability in composition.
IMR cells typically have an 8C drain limit which is 8 times the charge capacity. A IMR 14500 with 600mAh can handle 4.8A. This chemistry is less volatile than the Cobalt chemistry and has much higher drain limits so they are typically not protected internally. Though, they should have some kind of external protection because they can burn too, just not as easily.
LiPo and prsimatic cells can range in drain limit anywhere form 1/2C to 60C. They are slightly less volatile than ICR and a little more than IMR. They are typically not protected internally and should have external protection electronics. These are the type of cells you find in digital cameras and cell phones.
Generally speaking, you only use an IMR cell when the device specifically calls for one. IMR cells are required for boosters (single cell VV or VW) because boosters require higher drain. With a booster, you're going from lower voltage to higher voltage. That means you're going from higher current to lower current.
IMR cells may also be required for unregulated mods if the cell is small. For example, you are limited to 1.5A with an ICR 14500. If you want to use an LR atty with a cell that size, you need an IMR cell.
In the end, the size of your cell boils down to what you want in run time versus size. That's always the big trade-off. If you want a smaller device with a smaller cell, you'll have less run time. If you want more run time, you'll have to tolerate a larger device with a larger cell.
Size numbers are based on a metric scale. An 18650 is 18mm x 65.0mm. A 14500 is 14mm x 50.0 mm. A 14500 happens to be the same size as an AA battery.
Christopher's post in Vt Mentha? Where Do I Buy!? was marked as the answer
Hi Drew,
We used to sell it in our Vapor Talk store which is no longer open. Where you a former customer of ours?