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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Ha ha we try! Get the Penstyle from Puresmoker when he finally get's some stock. It's nothing short of amazing. Almost as good as sex...ahh on second thought maybe not that good. Nothing can beat cali girls.
  2. Vacker your quickly on the way to a super member. We're going to have to give you an award of some type. Perhaps some extra features for the VIP's. Perhaps I'll start a thread with suggestions?
  3. I'm glad you guys enjoy the arcade, I hope you know I hate it. I hate coding the damn thing.
  4. I think your right Royce, I've been trying to make myself more aware. I've noticed it only happens when I'm in front of the computer. (Vaped all around the house with no issues) SOOOooo it could be Comfy Leather chair, plus vaping in front of a big bright screen plus Youtube videos + code = Fatigue
  5. wonder why he want's out of it. I'm sure the wholesale and shipping is a pain in the ***. (We've been looking into it as E Smoke Talk may open a store...shhh it's a secret)
  6. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  7. I hear Puresmoker's True Menthol is really good.
  8. Does anyone else get tired right after vaping? There are times I'll wake up in the morning, have a vape, and then my eyes get very heavy. I've read online that apparently I'm not the only one to experience this. Just curious if anyone else has the same issues
  9. Here a picture of some of my stuff, this doesn't include what's in my pouch, seans stuff that's left over here and what's downstaires
  10. ha ha ha that's great. Let's put it this way I had to get little rubermaid drawers so that I could organize everything. (Got about 10 drawers of stuff) I'll post some pictures later
  11. *walks around unaware* I still have all my atomizers and seans not getting any
  12. wow maybe I should order stuff from them and hope it's broken!
  13. Glad they are taking care of you! Let us know how the new ones work out. Wow 2 bad atomizer in one batch, that sucks!
  14. webnina's right I had a look at the site and it's very cheap indeed. Stick with Puresmoker.com and Johnsoncreeksmokejuice for your needs. They've been around and are well reviewed
  15. I'll be honest the automizer from Smokeless Delite isn't the best. But again it's not the worst. I still vape mine every so often and it works ok. The problem with the carts are that they go dry VERY VERY fast. Most e smokers (and I'm sure member here on the forum will vouch for this) after vaping a while ALL move over to the liquid. This way you can keep your cart topped off, if you don't feel like topping of the cart then you just drip a couple drops on the Atomizer. You can purchase liquid from puresmoker.com and Johnsoncreekjuice.com among a few other suppliers. (I think vaporguys.com has some as well) If you change to a brand new cart do you get vapor again? If so then it's not an issue with the e-cig but rather the carts. I noticed his carts where a little dry when I got them in mail. I already spoke with the owner about getting juice, not sure if he plans to carry it anytime soon though. (I've also moved this over to the "Broke" section
  16. Sean I would just like to note for the record that your an idiot. That being said... You're fine to blow out the atomizer with canned air I've done it before. Just don't get thrust crazy as you may ruin the internal parts. Just be gentle.
  17. Whoops I was thinking it was the whole country. That makes me feel better, but again it's a step in a direction I hate to see the e-cigs go.
  18. Actually I'm just to lazy to test it out myself right now. Plus I just cleaned all 5 of my atomizers As for your battery you need to return it. It's a dud. It happens, I've had some bad betterys like that. In fact I got one like that from Puresmoker. Nothin much you can do about it.
  19. Wow how did I let this slip by? Been messing with the websites to much! I build most of my machines however they offer mid grade for $4000 has a little over 3 terafops of power. Not bad, not bad at all. http://www.velocitymicro.com/tesla-systems.php?cid=45
  20. Supercomputer for 10G's that's actually not that bad. I'm gonna check it out
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