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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Looks like we've got ourselves a smart member! I've been saying this for a while, I call BS on most "American Made" E Liquid. I believe most of it is mixed. In fact some of the american made E Liquid have flavors very similar to that of which Lor Ann oils sells. In fact you can go down the list of flavors and match them up. I think what most are doing is ordering the unflavored liquid from China, mixing it here in the states and selling it as American Made. One of these days it's going to back fire on them and I'm glad we have members who are starting to catch on. (I would like to mention that I believe Johnsons Creek and Vermont Vapor is in fact created in the states, however the rest I would use caution with) And currently buying a bottle of nicotine just isn't going to happen without having some serious licensing. You can however purchase nicotine has a pesticide and break it down, but boy you better know what your doing...I'd rather stick with China.
  2. I only wish this was an option! There actually is no such thing as a 10440 600mah battery. You might find some online that list them as such but it's actually a mis print from china. There are some blue 600 mah batteries and even our gray batteries state they are 500mah but they are actually 360mah. 360mah is the highest possible mah availble for a 10440 battery
  3. cool!!! Note to self, don't fall into power line http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYktDghfoFM
  4. Well as far as I know it uses the 510 atomizer so I assume it would be comparable. More of a collectors item. Still a nice look though
  5. Twins! Ha yea right I would faint. Whoever guesses the correct day gets to help me change diapers.
  6. Anytime your atomizer is "glowing" is a sign that you need to add liquid, your atomizer should never glow. If your not using a cart make sure your always adding at least 2-3 drops of liquid, if the there is still no vapor, add another drop until it starts to create Vapor.
  7. The best penstyle atomizer IMO is the short bridge Joye 302 atomizers, they tend to outlast the DSE801's.
  8. Was sent pictures of this little gadget today. I think it's created by XHALER. Thought it was neat looking
  9. Thanks guys! And I thought I was the only one up this late
  10. Hello Guys So as well as running Vapor Talk and running around like crazy it looks like the baby is coming even faster than we thought! Makayla was due March 28th but the doctor says the baby is now probably only a couple of weeks away... if that. So I dunno what she was doing but she thought it would be fun to grow some more. Ashley predicated this before the doctor did telling me the baby had already dropped and it was easier for her to breath. (It's pretty cool how women "just know") Just thought I would updated everything, we're excited, scared, nervous, happy all rolled into a little ball. I would just like to thank the Vapor Talk Staff for holding down the forums and all the members helping our new comers while we're trying to organize the new office and the baby room. I think we can all agree we have the best damn members on the web. So who wants to guess the day?
  11. The atomizer that comes with the eGO is a 510 atomizer so it shouldn't matter which one you use. As for charging, I'll be honest I never charge my units for 8 hours when I first get them. In fact when I first got the eGo I didn't charge it at all, popped an atomizer on the battery and vaped for almost 8 hours on a partially charged battery. It's been months and it still works fine (I've had this eGo since before they came out on the market) I suggest leaving one battery on the charger and just using the other one
  12. Dirty hamster? lol Well there is something very wrong with that e juice! To be honest when you first start vaping you should taste the flavors right away, as you vape longer the flavors and taste of food should become stronger. Rath is an American Mixed e liquid and although people have raved about their flavors they've been known to be inconsistent. Something pointed out by Grimm Green (a popular ecig reviewer) I would suggest perhaps trying a few other brands of E Liquid to find out what works best for you. And if the liquid takes like a dirty hamster, ditch it and run! Oh and welcome to the forums by the way
  13. I personally wouldn't recommened the high voltage attys, the reason why is because the resistance is higher on them, so what's the point? You loose the heat production your looking for. I personally recommend the Joye 302 penstyle atomizer. It can take a good beating, I've tried the BE series and didn't have much luck with it, (although many users love them) and DSE801's if they are TRUE DSE801's don't come even close to a 302. Just my 2 cents
  14. Nothing something I've had an issue with but then again I've got a "baby face." One thing I do notice though, if I'm vaping in my office for a while the air will feel humid. So this wouldn't surprise me at all.
  15. I would also suggest loosing the mod Have a look at this video I created that may help get you started: http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/videos/view-19-what-is-direct-dripping/ One thing to keep in mind that if your going to drip into your device make sure you vape the liquid until it's gone, you'll get used to how much liquid you need per vape. When your not using a cart there is nothing to hold the liquid, so if you fill the atomizer, then place it down or stop vaping, guess what, the liquid comes out of the bottom. It sucks, but you'll eventually get the hang of it
  16. Although I think in this case it may have just been a user wanting to vape "just to vape" but given the amount of tracking software on the site, you'd be amazed at who likes to visit Vapor Talk...and that does include IP address which correspond to cities with FDA offices. They're watching, and we're watching
  17. Hey Sensay! Try taking either some 0mg liquid or PG to split the liquid. I suggest heading over to our DIY Liquid sub forum http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/forum/131-diy-e-liquid-forum/ Lots of info there to get you started
  18. I'm not sure what brand of juice you are using but this is just one of the down sides to direct dripping. I will normally drip 2 drops inside my atomzizer and I'll get about 5 good hits. So yes I would say this is pretty normal
  19. E Liquid does contain a small amount of alcohol but not fermented in a way that would set off a breathalyzer. You should be fine
  20. We plan to carry these in the Vapor Talk store
  21. So I take it Taco Bell isn't a vape freindly establishment
  22. Some are and some are not. Depends, usually if it has no battery and is "in line" then it runs around 5 volts. Jason from Electro Nic Stix has them in stock I think
  23. Yes if the cable is long enough you will loose voltage. Another thing to keep in mind is how well the cable is made. We are looking into ordering some extension cables but need to test a few to make sure our customers don't loose any power. The better the cable the better the power will remain. I would shoot an email over to Vaprlife and see what Jeso has to say
  24. Well they're not bad but they're not great either. Remember back when ecigs where known to have major issues? (We're talking back when having to get a new battery every 2 weeks was normal) Well this was when most of us purchased SLB products, then of course Joye came on the scene and the failure rates are no much much lower. Where do you think the 14 day ecig warrenty came from? It's because SLB products where such crap suppliers knew they wouldn't last longer than 2 weeks. The warrenty has stuck even though Joye products last much much longer. You might know them better for creating the DSE801, now wait, your thinking, "The DSE801 is great!!!" Actually no it's not, it's crap. When you purchased a DSE801 from lets say Arno from Awesome Vapor you where actually buying a short bridge Joye 302, (which is a good thing, Arno knew they where better) but because so many users knew what an 801 was and because they though a Joye 302 was another model suppliers just kept the name DSE801. In fact most of them where selling Joye 302's. It's important that newer members learn this so we move forward and not backwards, customer need to demand only the best, not the cheap crap. If suppliers can't hang with the MOQ set by Joye then they need to rethink being a business owner.
  25. What can I say we try Looks like this is actually a defective device, the center poll may not have been installed correctly, unfortunately every so often we get a bad one. But we're sending a char a new unit!
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