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Vapor Talk Founder
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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. To those who celebrate this Holiday, Happy Halloween Please stay safe out there this evening.
  2. Watcha you talkin bout', we're always perfect
  3. ok let me check the logs over the weekend and I'll get back to you asap
  4. Actually, quick question, when you login to the device that logs you out of your other sessions are you still on your home network? (There is a security feature we have installed that prevent session hijacking, you could be triggering that security rule. We have stricter than usual rules set for the forum software because of the way we handle user data. We sacrafice convenience for security in a few unique situations)
  5. Actually, quick question, when you login to the device that logs you out of your other sessions are you still on your home network? (There is a security feature we have installed that prevent session hijacking, you could be triggering that security rule. We have stricter than usual rules set for the forum software because of the way we handle user data. We sacrafice convenience for security in a few unique situations)
  6. hmm this should not happen no matter how many computers you are logged into. Unless something in the software has changed, you can log into as many machines as you want, I believe, without having to worry about logging out. (Though on some level this can be an issue if you forget to log out of a public machine) I use three devices (phone, desktop, office) and haven't had this issue. Debbie also occasionally logs into my account from her laptop when pulling reports for me. (and I usually stay logged in) We all use Chrome so I suspect this is either an issue with Firebox or you've got some funky cookie causing problems. (more likely to be the case) I would suggest clearing your cookies from all three machines (Don't delete them all, just the VT cookies. That way the forum can place an updated cookie on each device) and that should...resolve the issue. (How to delete individual cookies here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored) If that doesn't work, let me know. I'll pull the logs and dig a little deeper into the issue.
  7. It was good talking on Twitter! Hopefully you enjoy the liquids and the members your videos.
  8. Alright so... while you are all sleeping away I spent the last hour whipping this up. On every relevant page there is now a "coil finder" https://www.vaportalk.com/us/product/kanger-dripbox-160-starter-kit/ (works on any tank and starter kit page) So if you're interested in a tank or kit but not sure what coil to get, you can simply use the coil finder. I'll also add a "battery finder" for starter kits to make it easier to find the correct battery for your device. (Though that's slightly tricker as their are various options) Lastly I'll see if I can't work on updating the description to let you know when you need to buy something.
  9. hmm odd, it's showing ok on Safari for me. I hate to be a pain but would you mind sending me a screenshot? (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361)
  10. Not at all! It's great to see browsing the store from a different point of view. Thing is, if you feel that way, there are likely others who do who have left the store in frustration. Generally speaking, the only thing a starter kits really needs is eliquid. (This why they're called started kits) though finding what coil goes to what could be confusing.! There are a couple stores I've seen that link to the coils a product needs. That we can do easily, I'll start to roll that out in the next couple of days. In the meantime, I'll see if I can't come up with some kind of parts finder system. That would be fantastic and doable I'm sure. (And by the way, anytime you have this kind of feedback, no matter how small, as the forum members will attest, you can PM me directly any time. I love making vapers lives at least a little easier.)
  11. Welcome! You know feedback like this is absolute gold because we don't know there's a problem...until someone mentions there is a problem. Can you provide perhaps a little extra feedback and what would make things easier for you as a customer? For example one way our customers find parts now is to shop by brand. (They select the brand from the drop down, then see all available parts) We can usually roll out changes quickly and it's really important to me that the store is as easy as possible to use/navigate for our customers.
  12. Yea that actually could work. We have some banners running on the forum but I suspect they're being blocked by ad block. Putting it in the banner would solve that.
  13. Yea that actually could work. We have some banners running on the forum but I suspect they're being blocked by ad block. Putting it in the banner would solve that.
  14. I hate when that happens, usually a pair of pliers will do the trick. Also make sure the tank has fully cooled down if you've been using it. (I find they got stuck most often after becoming hot) Also props for using the forum tag system correctly!
  15. Holy old post batman Closing this thread as it's almost 2 years old
  16. I agree we need some color in the store. I told Roger the other day, we look like an apple store. Black, white, silver. He said "we have Rose Gold" Watch out folks, we have Rose Gold! Clear the way. But I agree, more colors is priority. The D16 and AIO have new colors and a few others but we're lagging. I'll improve this!
  17. Hey Edna, Coupe points to tackle 1. You're completely right, the VT store hasn't ranked high on listings. That's mostly due to stores SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that tanked after I left. You'll notice I moved the store from vaportalkstore.com to vaportalk.com/us/ that's part of an ongonig SEO project which should help in this area greatly. And Duck Duck Go is something I'm working on funny you mention it. They've really grown over the last couple of years! 2. Pricing - We're getting better but I really appreciate the feedback. Even if you choose to shop elsewhere I love when people send a quick "hey your price sucks, fix this if you can" hit and run PM's because I pay attention to all of them This is my top priority this year. We're getting ready to pack things up in New Jersey and move the show back out to California (woo hoo). The biggest reason is because I'm located here and have relationships with a lot of vendors. That and I want shipping time to be much faster than it is. (It's better these days, but not good enough IMO) And you explained yourself great, I appreciate it! I think most of your points are easily solvable. The biggest one though is those already on the forum. We have new users come in and some of them are here months before they even realize the forum has a store attached. We've discussed merging the store and the forum into one giant system ( rather than two sets of software it'll run of one major platform) but eh... people don't like change and that's a risky move. The benifit is one account, one site. The downside is, even the smallest change is enough to bring the pitchforks out
  18. hmm I just noticed our store link isn't' visible on the VT app or Tapatalk (and a good chunk of the members visit through Tapatalk) Updated
  19. That might be a record but not surprising. I few members didn't realize we had a store until almost a year later.
  20. If I had a dollar for every time we heard this....we wouldn't need the store So I wanted to reach out for some feedback. Almost since the forum was born, I've heard this phrase more times than I can count. But it's a legitimate issue, we often lose sales (which help keep Vapor Talk running) because members/new users are completely unaware that we have a store. Our prices these days are quickly becoming close to some of the lowest on the net and dropping. (It's only been 7 weeks. I actually spend time looking to cut costs in the most ridiculous areas to help lower prices) We even have free shipping and to top it off seal all of our orders with unicorn tears and love. At any rate, short of virtual fireworks popping up on the screen, what do you think is the best way to let everyone know Vapor Talk has a store? How long did it take before you realized we had a store and what could have been done to entice/capture your attention? The forum members haven't let me down yet, so what say you? I'd love to hear your feedback.
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