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Everything posted by ROOR

  1. lol uma!
  2. VapeTV is now in BETA. Please go check it out. There are only a few Areas to mess with. But it's live. More Video will come weekly. www.VapeTV.com It is really cool and nice looking and will continue to grow! I am very happy to be a part of it. I will also be hosting my own show where i go out in public and get the reaction to vaping and see how they feel and try and teach them a thing or two! Who knows maybe i can meet someone while im out that can teach me a thing or 2! Also i did a lot of the music there:) P.S. @christopher i pinky swore i vaportalk link!! and there it is!.. Luciano is a great guy with great talent and big ideas! Im glad we could all be a part of this now! <3 ROOR
  3. I like dubstep i even make a lil.
  4. underground for life!
  5. I totally agree damulta is a great guy and im sure a awesome dad. I for one am glad he is teaching his kids what the real meaning of a e-cig is. I also do think posting a vid of his son playing with one wasn't the best idea. We are all doing our best for what we feel is right. To be completely honest the video of a child playing with it did not bother me, other then the fact i didn't want it to be taken out of context. It's not a perfect world all we can do is try. Practice makes perfect!
  6. Yup YUP! Thats just what i was talking about in that batt safety thread with chris. It REALLY is a WONDERFUL THING!
  7. WOWOWOWOWOW i know what im getting for Christmas! A JET PACK MODDED TO VAPE!
  8. I hear good things about these guys. http://www.vikingvapor.com/ Not sure if they have whiskey but i know they have the others. <3 ROOR
  9. Hey i have the same PT from ENS and the same problems. BUT CHECK THIS OUT! One thing i have noticed that is even stranger, is if you use a "knock off" SLB atty on the wall adapter it works! Yet if i use a joye atty it only works in my computer just like yours! also my ipod charger did the same thing! I also have the same adapter as you from vaprlife. Let me know how it works for you with a SLB atty and also let me know if you figure anything out! Good post btw! <3 ROOR
  10. DO a vid jeff!! i love seeing your mug! One thing to keep in mind guys is once you run a atty at 6volts that same atty wont preform as well at 3.7 anymore. Just a thought.
  11. I agree chris when is enough enough? I do like 5volts and that is fine for me. There are many modders out there like ciso who im sure most of you know makes some of the best mods. Yet he will only have at 3.7 volts. Thats just what he likes and feels comfortable with. One thing i have been reading about is using a single 18650 high drain batt at 3.7 volt with a low resistance atty can simulate a high volt vape. Its basicaly the opposite of using a 6volt mod and then a HV atty to drop the voltage down to say around 5 or 4.2. To me if you have to have the feel of a HV vape that is maybe something you would want to look into. Also just because your not stacking batteries doesn't mean one wont explode. Everyone has to just be careful and under stand these are not toys. The things we are doing with these mods is really cutting edge and has really never had that much studies done on them. DO RESEARCH!! RESPECT YOUR BATTERIES! I really don't like hearing these stories. For me its like when i used to skateboard everyday and watching videos of wipe outs. I felt so bad because i knew any day that could be me! I would hate for any one to be hurt! PLEASE BE SAFE! do not just order a 5,6,7 volt mod and throw batteries in there and go for a HV vape. I have been saying it for ever i really want someone to do a Battery care for noobs vid. I <3 YOU ALL! ROOR Oh also chris what they are saying about the atty adapter, is a lot of them are cheap and the rubber that keeps the post floating wears out and then they do make contact. Things like that. I have had that happen to me im just glad i realized it before i screwed it on and took a vape. Im sure you know all this though because i learn most of my stuff from you! You have been a great help and thank you for always putting our safety first!
  12. WHo you calling ugly!!??? Yea chris he does great reviews of suppliers all the time im sure he will share and happy side for good vendors. ROOR
  13. From everything what i understand is its not going to be 1 personal experience. More of a a reoccurring thing, And he has said he will get both sides to every story. Honestly it is meant to be positive for both parties. I took it more at aiming at rip off sites and such. In my talk with will i don't think he is trying to hurt the community at all, more like looking out for noobies. Lets face it everyone has a horror story, when maybe it was a miss understanding. I don't know im just interested and thought maybe some of you would be but I really hope it doesn't come out the wrong way. Don't worry chris I cant think of anyone that has anything negative to say about your customer service. hahahaha just kidding you know your the best! (i <3 christopher) Your right this could go bad. I just hope for the best! Will is a really stand up guy, and has good judgment. I don't think he has harsh intentions. only time will tell. <3 roor
  14. No the whole point of it is to have a positive experience as opposed to a negative one, think of it more as a heads up! I just think it could be good.. You get out if it what you put it. Just IMO.
  15. This is a really awesome idea! help out with anything stories you have! <3!
  16. yea its gonna be good stuff!
  17. hmmm We should start a forum band! lol Im in the middle of doing some music for vapeTV
  18. Fonosmoke from nu-vapor is the one making them but drew from xhaler is selling all of them so look there.
  19. No its not a juice box but u can store a little 3 ml bottle of juice in it, but u still have to drip or refill carts..
  20. Its made by fonosmoke at nu-vapor but he has drew from xhaler selling them and yes they sure are nice! you can run them at 3.7 or 6v and boy even at 3.7 they put out a ton of vapor!
  21. Yea i know nothing about this mod can you post a pic and some specs of it? Very interested! Congrats BTW.
  22. I have to say i have ordered Rath juice a few times and everytime thought the flavor in it was REALLY low almost nothing. I do not enjoy rath juice like i do others. I like to try many juices i have a few favorites and im sure you will find some soon also. One thing i can say if you want a sweet kick in the mouth try some Sweet Dawn, i think its neck and neck for my #1 fav. Good luck!
  23. I believe in the old saying "you get what you pay for." But one thing i have noticed is that even if you did pay a little bit more for analogs you knew what you were getting, the same brand the same quality. I think that is one reason everyone is always looking for a great deal is because some times you have no clue what you are really getting. I dont mind spending the extra money for a quality product but sometimes its hard to tell online just how good it is until you try it.
  24. Yea I got the idea from phee303, but i will say i like this so much i do it to brand new attys! thats just me so give it a try with a old one first.
  25. what PT did you get cuz i just went through this same thing and u need a 5volt 2 amp adapter. So i got this one and it works great! http://vaprlife.com/usbpowerpack.html good luck!
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