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ROOR last won the day on February 12 2010

ROOR had the most liked content!

About ROOR

  • Birthday 12/01/1979

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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  • Location
    Austin Tx
  • Interests
    Music, Recording,Loud Noise,Computers,GIRLS!

ROOR's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. bring on vaporgel!!!! im gellin!
  2. yo shlitz your in austin tx? me too come to the meet ups!!!
  3. with the SB PT you can run the ennercell wall plug for it and you can run 3.7v-7.4v.. and that includes 5v and 6v. <3ROOR
  4. lighthound and battery junk both the best spots in the states! or cloudsofvapor is good too for batts! <3 ROOR
  5. that sucks im sorry maybe they will take them back or exchange them? i don't know i have never tried.. best of luck bro! <3 ROOR
  6. its cuz your flavor is oil.. its really hard to mix with and most the time will always separate. SOME times u can cut it with pga really hard and cook it and it will fix it.. most of the time this never works and is a huge pain in the ***..i never buy flavors with oil in them,, they seem to mess your atty up and as u can see suck to mix with Tangerine Flavor oil based - no PG or VG bright true natural tangerine oil i always go with water soluble.. always read the description hope this helps <3 ROOR
  7. final fantasy advent children, dead leaves, monster, flcl, onepice
  8. Its hard to say, i see the big buttons at the top but to me for some reason i like seeing the forum it makes it look like e cigs are understandable .. i don't know how to explain it.. maybe instead if the 3 lil boxes filled of text u put a pic in there of the forum and the store and the guru so u can still keep it simple to the eye but at the same time give it something to look at.. i dont know i suck at this.
  9. rations? i thought those were appetizers!
  10. I have to say i personally like it... But i think if this was my first time to come to this site ever, it would turn me off a little bit.. the navi is a lil strange i mean its easy but not every like BOOM DO THIS!.. i kinda like just dropping strigth into teh forum and see all the stuff poppin off.. sorry i know im no help... <3ROOR
  11. ... south park was right... mormons were right...
  12. All i have to say is i just blew mt dew out of my nose and i think a spaghetti noodle too.. it was all worth it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH the fizz burns my eyes are watering and the noodle part just sucks it hurt hahahahaha in his bed!???
  13. lololol chris you know that wont up your winterbells score right? lololo get pwnd <3 ROOR
  14. i love my SB! i really only vape 6v... and i love my BB on the go but im about to put protected cr2s in it so it will be much better on teh go too To be completely honest i cant think of a single thing wrong with either one, for the price its the best bang for your buck. IMO <3 ROOR
  15. Here is wormwood episode one http://www.vapetv.com/Wormwood/ he uses a iolite and shows you some tricks:) enjoy <3 ROOR
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