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  1. never tried ry4
  2. blueberry flavour is too strong for my liking
  3. sorry guys i meant 18mg and 36mg!
  4. i was a 20 a day smoker but now i have cutdown to only 3 cigs a day currently. trying to quit fully. waiting for my new ego c twist vv
  5. i currently am using a 18ml bottle of totally wickeds red bull flavour and its brilliant, the hit is really good and so is the vapour. just wanted to know how strong is the flavour and the hit when using 36ml nicotine e liquid?
  6. just wanted to know roughly the amount of cigarettes you would get from a 10ml bottle.. im not a huge vapour as i vape for like 1 hr a day or sometimes more.. when using my e lites, one carto last me 2 days which apprently hold around 2ml of liquid?
  7. egos are the best option
  8. Hey guys this is my first post! I just brought an ego c twist from totally wicked and i wanted to know the best attomizer/cart/carto/clearo i can buy for this device.. i havent recieved my ego c yet but should be here soon!
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