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    Hkempf got a reaction from Uma in Ready to make the investment.   
    I bought the cobra and couldn't be happier
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    Hkempf got a reaction from Uma in Rba Tanks.. Love 'em Or Hate 'em?   
    Just got the aga-t last week and the flavor is so much better than the vivi nova, I'll never go back, by the way mesh wick I got from okc vapors and they sell a 12 by 12 sheet that is actually about 18x18 for 10$ very impressed
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    Hkempf got a reaction from robv1978 in Rba Tanks.. Love 'em Or Hate 'em?   
    Just got the aga-t last week and the flavor is so much better than the vivi nova, I'll never go back, by the way mesh wick I got from okc vapors and they sell a 12 by 12 sheet that is actually about 18x18 for 10$ very impressed
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    Hkempf got a reaction from Rixter in New Ss Sigelei Zmax Vv+Vw Rms   
    From everything I read the one from smok is better but to be honest I couldn't make up my mind so I bought the provari for 159$ and am so happy I made that choice
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