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Everything posted by scootersite

  1. Thanks for the suggestions. After reading numerous reviews I decided to try this one out http://www.v2cigs.com/products/electronic-cigarette-kits . It seems simple and had good reviews across the board. Anybody have any experience with the V2's?
  2. Hi, Just started a month ago with some disposable ecigs and I'm looking for some help to purchase a starter pack. My first impression is that there's a lot of stuff to become familiar with. I fell like I should take a class. Ohms & coils, & carts & attys............WOW! I've bought a bunch of different disposables which ranged from very satisfying to garbage. Of the disposables, my favorite by far was the natural tobacco "Blu" gigs but they're inconsistent as hell. One cig might taste great and last 2 days while the next one might taste like air and only last a couple of hours. At least to start I'd like the simplest kit that has as close to an anolog experience (size & taste) as possible. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Doug
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