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Everything posted by TeriJo

  1. Well there's two ways you can look at it. The brands that are on the commercials are not always the best, usually over priced, and very little info about ecigs in general. However it IS getting out the word that electronic cigs are out there. I personally am not the type to buy anything I've never heard of without my trusty GOOGLE. LOL I saw them in a mall and walked by. But when I got home I googled. I researched. There is so much crap out there, of all kinds, not just ecigs. And most of it you see in the middle of a mall LOL. There are folks who swear by those ecigs. They WORKED for them. They know nothing about juices and refilling they buy boxes and boxes of prefilled carts. But they are happy. The phrase "buyer beware" was coined for a reason. It's not new. In the days of the horse and buggy folks sold snake oil to cure all your ills. With ecigs, they DO work. The brands people know are because they are advertising and in the malls. The products are overpriced BECAUSE of that. They have to pay for the advertising somehow right? For those they DONT work for and who never look into what else is available, yeah, they think they were taken. For others though, they start looking at what choices they have, and maybe land in this forum or another where they talk to people who actually use them. So It's bad AND it's good. LOL
  2. Many many years ago, I switched from regular tobacco to menthol, because of dry throat. It worked. But I never thought I smoked for the flavor. I'd hear folks talk about cigarette FLAVOR and go....it tastes like you're burning stuff, what is your point? I was enjoying the flavors on the 901, not so much on the 510. So I'll pick up an adaptor or two I think so I can use the 901 atty for flavors. Right now I'm going thru the menthol pretty darn fast. I went for the cigarette flavor because I felt I had to convince myself I was smoking. I think we all thought that to a point. But the flavors are nice, I gotta admit!
  3. Welcome!!!!! Dunno How I missed welcoming you BEFORE shame on ME.
  4. Pensacola Florida. US Navy school... or was.....dunno bout today... I jest dont keep up lol
  5. Corry Station 1981. Wasn't for engineering. I'd tell ya what I did, but then.... I'd have to keeeeeeeel you. Okay okay, so not quite THAT hush hush... I was a CTO - Communications Technician Operations. And stuff
  6. That depends on how much you are vaping. I believe that's the same with any battery. The crew will chime in if I say something wrong. I tend to let it go til well, it won't let me anymore... and I get plenty of hours out of it. The manual says 5-10 hours so maybe if I start switching the batteries earlier then I'll feel less need for the analogs. The Green review said about 6 hours was a good time to switch em. Course that means paying attention.... lol
  7. YAY!!!!!! The same as my EGO so I know what you are talking about. I hadn't used a 510, I'd used a 901, so the differences were a bit bigger. The 901 atty is much smoother, and since part of my problem had been throat hit the 510 atty was quite a change all by itself. And yes the VAPOR. My daughter came downstairs and started to ask when I'd begun smoking in the house..... saw it was NOT an analog and said....hey do some smoke rings. LOL Now I quit doing smoke rings when my first grandchild was born, and I only did them THIS time because they were at school. I do my best not to make anything about smoking seem COOOOOOL. The huge difference surprises me partly because the voltage on the 901 or 510 didn't seem all that big to me. Of course, I'm not real knowlegable on voltages or amps either. I was mostly going for longer charges. So to sum up (I know....tooooo late) I totally agree!!!!!
  8. OOOOOOh good info. Never thought about the feed store.
  9. Thanks!!! I know Dse 901 versus 510s were quite different, so was wondering between the different kinds of 510s.
  10. Naw....ARTEEEEEEEEESTS are an odd breed. Gotta luv em!
  11. You weren't sorry when she slapped you upside the haid? (GIGGLE) Ya know it's funny I'm not big on sweet flavors and yet since vaping, I like butterscotch candies and a lot of the sweet flavors like banana and stuff that I've been getting samples of from arno. Very odd.
  12. Oh yeah, I remember that one now.
  13. The American Anthem is famous for being difficult to sing. However it is also usually sung in stadiums with it echoing back at you as you sing it, I'm thinking any song would be difficult in those circumstances LOL
  14. Movies tend to change titles anyway..... If the quitters could see demonic people then it the same story. I rarely watch television let alone movies. I wait for the ones that hubby says you REALLY gotta see this! I miss lots of crap that way. LOL The point was just that it did show the lines between the smokers, non smokers, and the tryin to quit folks quite clearly.
  15. I'm not so hard to confuse LOL As long as you don't DISS MY EGO. (giggle) The first PV, yes the 510 is way perfecto and stuff. Speaking of the Ego, I just realized I've only used the DURA atty, haven't touched the spare 510 I bought with it. So....is there a noticible difference between the Dura and the one I got as a spare (Gold band says Janty) in how it handles flavor or anything?
  16. The INDULGENCE. I like it. You realize with a name like that you absolutely HAVE to vape some chocolate on it don't you? I thought up a name for the next mod...tho I am not a modder. They can call it "The Fantasizer" Wait, that might bring up images far from the ecig world huh?
  17. The journey continues. . . So I've had 1 cig since midnight. Well actually half a cig. Tasted awful. So I figure once my brain figures out it tastes awful BEFORE I light up, it's licked. LOL My brain is a stubborn thang. I totally luv this breathing thing. I truly didn't realize how much air I'd lost over the years. I knew I'd lost some, the fact that I couldn't hold the long notes was a big clue, but not how MUCH. I'm starting to get back that vocal CONTROL that I once had as well. This also means I'm hitting less sour notes yay! However, I'm going to have to change the key on a few songs. The voice is changing a bit, I've lost the Joplin gravelly sound. But this isn't a bad thing. As long as my voice doesn't get so high I have to suddenly sing opera arias, I'm okay with it LOL. The main reason I went on the hunt to find a way to quit smoking that wouldn't have me longing for a cig for the rest of my days was the cough though, and that went away faster than I could have dreamed it would. My chest feels a little constricted since last night, I may be about to hit the "lung clean up" period of getting off the tobacco. Where the lungs decide the dirt has to go. It used to feel this way daily though. So to all you new folks checking out this forum... it can be done. I have NO willpower. If I had willpower I'd have quit at least 10 years ago. I was not one of those who ever made it years or months and went back. I made it a total of 3 days on the patch before I was puffing again. The gum was a joke. Just before I started investigating the E-cigs I tried the weaning off method. I timed my cigs. I got down to smoking every 1.5 hours, and then.... it got too hard and I was done. So, no will power. Even if I was going to smoke 3 cigs a day for the rest of my life WITH the vaping.. It's leaps and bounds from where I ever got before. I can breathe, I'm not coughing, and I'm sleeping better. I smoked a carton a week for at least 10 of the over 30 years I've smoked. It's finding the right device, the right nic level, and the right juice for you. None of us can tell you what your sweet spot is, but you have one. Every person in this forum can make suggestions, and we WILL, but in the end you find what works for you. I hoped I'd be one of the many that picked up an ecig and never wanted a cig again... but I'm a hardheaded woman hehe. But ya'll, the EGO has landed, and it was GOOD. I sound like a preacher. PRAISE the EGO lmao Anyway... could have been any 3.7v device for all I know, the Ego is just the one I got. Now, Breathe In. Breathe Out. God that feels good don't it? THIS soapbox I pulled out on purpose. hehe
  18. The 510 unit fits a lot of batteries and mods. They have the 510 mega battery, but i think you have to have the mega atty with that. Many of the mods use the 510 atty as well. That's partly why folks recommend it over the DSE-901. I prefer the 901 for the flavors, but the 510 gives that rougher throat hit I crave. But then there are adapters so you can use any atty on any battery you want, well, between the dse and the joyes anyway lol
  19. Yes it was, I just don't remember which one. LOL A later collection though, not one of the early ones.
  20. Not sure I'm following. The Ego battery is just like the 510 battery in that there is no separate body. The only part that isn't battery or atty or cart is the atty cover, and you don't HAVE to have that (it's just really coool) The mods I THINK you are referring to, like the Screwdriver and all, you have a body and switch batteries in and out. Unless I'm missing something, that means the Ego would be closer to the 510 than to a mod. However it IS more expensive. It is much easier to talk yourself into spending $50 on the 510 when you have no idea if this is going to work for you. Some folks spend that much on a carton of cigarettes. $80 is a little harder to justify taking the plunge to yourself. Anyway mod or "not the mod" I love my Ego. Don't tell my husband, okay? Walks away massaging her Ego
  21. I agree with the sentiment, but we wouldn't have listened. DIDNT listen, after all. The information was right there. Everyone I knew said it was bad (while puffing on their cig, true, but they said it. During my mother's lifetime they learned just HOW dangerous cigarettes were. I didn't have the "I didn't know" excuse. Of course, if you think about it... breathing smoke .. didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that can't be good for ya.... They just found out exactly HOW it was bad for ya. The problem is that youth is immortal. Not only do you have the usual "never happen to ME " mentality, but you are also quite sure you will never die. Once I thought perhaps it was partly because it seemed like EVERYBODY smoked. And there they were, breathing, laughing, etc. But look at the number of kids starting TODAY. Where's the cool factor NOW? Smokers are relegated to little groups out in the cold. You can't go to a restaurant, or a movie, just about everywhere is going to throw you out into the cold to get your "fix". Stephen King wrote a story using smokers. Better yet, smokers that were trying to quit. He named it the 10 O'Clock People. The story was a story, but that title grabbed me. That is what we've become. 10 O'clock break the smokers run for the door and huddle wherever they can. Utter outcasts. So we are still missing something in why people START to begin with. Even those of us who started don't REALLY know why we did it. I asked my mother why she smoked, she said to calm her nerves. But that can't be why she STARTED, after all. So the question then, is what about that cloud of smoke attracts? Your first cigarette is AWFUL. You cough, you turn colors, some give up their lunch. And yet they do it AGAIN. So what IS it? I was NOT a stupid child. I had a brain. I thought most things through. Granted I didn't always do what I ought and I disobeyed the parents and all, but I never did anything truly dangerous EXCEPT SMOKING. When my friends one day thought it would be cool to throw apples at cars going down the road, I said - Have fun. I'm going home. So WHY did that thinking through NOT happen with cigarettes? It's NOT education that will stop em.... I KNEW smoking was bad for you, caused cancer. Until we figure out what makes people reach for that first cigarette, we're never going to stop it. OMG there's that soapbox AGAIN? Someone shut me up!
  22. Joe, Joe, Joe. (Motherly look) Don't you know that hypocrite and politician are actually the same word? Politics is always going to be that way. Grease the right palms, you get what you want. They tax cigs and claim that this will help the schools or kids with cancer, then shuffle the deck again and it goes somewhere else. Steps down from her soapbox. How'd that git there? LOL
  23. Oh I don't think any of us are saying throw reviews out, or that they are MEANINGLESS. We're just saying they are subjective, and because a reviewer doesn't like a particular juice does not necessarily mean WE won't like it. Restaurant reviewers are the same way - movie reviewers, you name it. 'taint that they's not RIGHT, there's not really a right and wrong there. On hardware it's a bit different, but SOME is still subjective. However parts falling off in their hand or something, not subjective at all LOL
  24. Yeah... I hate math. So numbers just kinda breeze by me LOL Thank God for my Quickbooks or I'd never have anything balanced or added correctly lol And yes, taste is VERY subjective. Look at Gin. I grabbed the wrong glass off a table one night and swore to God I took a swig of transmission fluid. But people love it. Just..... not me LOL
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