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    PoppaC got a reaction from Heavyrocker58 in Ego-C! This Is What Vapor Is Supposed To Taste Like.   
    Thanks for the review. Helped me a great deal.
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    PoppaC got a reaction from Tam in The Veteran Vapor   
    I just recieved an order from Brian. I orderd from 'The Veteran Vapor' based on the reviews I read here. I am not sorry. Quite the contrary I'm extremely happy with the products I purchased from him. His guidance, professionalism and concern ended my search for a vendor. We posted for a short time and he ended my confusion. I'm enjoying my new Joye e-Go-C. I have been away from Vapor Talk way too long. Compared to my "old" RN4027 I look like a smoke stack. Brian is a great guy with a great product. He is unselfish and you can trust him. Plus fast delivery, well packaged and willing to help!
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    PoppaC got a reaction from Uma in The Veteran Vapor   
    I just recieved an order from Brian. I orderd from 'The Veteran Vapor' based on the reviews I read here. I am not sorry. Quite the contrary I'm extremely happy with the products I purchased from him. His guidance, professionalism and concern ended my search for a vendor. We posted for a short time and he ended my confusion. I'm enjoying my new Joye e-Go-C. I have been away from Vapor Talk way too long. Compared to my "old" RN4027 I look like a smoke stack. Brian is a great guy with a great product. He is unselfish and you can trust him. Plus fast delivery, well packaged and willing to help!
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    PoppaC got a reaction from jowaddle in Discretion   
    I must say, very well put! And I also find that my e-cig is as much a hobby as everything else. In other words, it's fun!
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    PoppaC got a reaction from kitsune in Danger: Www.smoke51.com Is A Scam   
    You are ALL so correct! I knew better. Especially as long as I'v been a member of this forum. I just took a shot w/o reading everything. Because I acted so fast, and I have an agressive bank, I didn't loose anything. Got it all back. I just posted this to warn as many as I could. Sometimes you have a 'brain fart'! You know! Duh! On me! Ha! Ha! Ha! I guess I have been away from The Vapor Talk too long!
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    PoppaC reacted to Tam in Introduction And Question About Too Much Flavor Extract   
    I'm not clear on what you mean by "it sounds different." If it's gurgling you can take it off your battery and blow into the mouthpiece -- make use you hold a piece of tissue or paper towel at the other end to catch any liquid coming out of the center piece -- then wipe out the inside of the battery where it connects as well as the bottom of the clearomizer. That might do the trick.
  7. Like
    PoppaC got a reaction from kitsune in The Veteran Vapor   
    I just recieved an order from Brian. I orderd from 'The Veteran Vapor' based on the reviews I read here. I am not sorry. Quite the contrary I'm extremely happy with the products I purchased from him. His guidance, professionalism and concern ended my search for a vendor. We posted for a short time and he ended my confusion. I'm enjoying my new Joye e-Go-C. I have been away from Vapor Talk way too long. Compared to my "old" RN4027 I look like a smoke stack. Brian is a great guy with a great product. He is unselfish and you can trust him. Plus fast delivery, well packaged and willing to help!
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    PoppaC got a reaction from Christopher in Speed Poll   
    Yours is, and always has been, the very best!
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    PoppaC reacted to dham340 in Ego-C Initial Impressions   
    Hi all. Thought I'd make my first post on this forum a review of my new toy, the joye (ovale) ego-c.
    Disclaimer: I'm not a vendor or associated with any vendor in any way. I've been vaping for 3 years, and gone through a bunch of equipment: 901s, 401s, 808s, 510s, 306s, egos and ego variants.

    The ego-c is new from joye and I believe is currently only offered by ovale and I know totally wicked will be getting it shortly. I expect many other joye Distributors will get it in the new year.

    If your not familiar with it, the ego-c is essentially an ego-t with a removable, replaceable, disposable atty. there are a few other improvements, as I discuss below, also, check out joyetech's website and there's a couple YouTube reviews of it too.

    Got my ego-c nov 17 at 5 pm. Been using it exclusively since then (just under 48 hrs as of this posting)

    Couple of assumptions first:

    Normally I'm a carto guy, LR Boge cartos on either the silver bullet or the kgo battery. I tend to like 80/20 16 or 18 mg juice in tobacco and/or coffee and Carmel favors. I am not a big fruity flavor person. I have not tried the ego-t before I got the ego-c. Last, I am not a "fiddler" I do not want to have to fiddle with my PV just to get it to consistently vape the way I want. I want to pick it up, vape and put it away. That's why I normally don't drip, toss my cartos when they start to leak, burn, taste bad and don't mix juices in cartos (or attys when I do drip).

    That said, here's my first impressions:

    24 hr overview: The ego-c rocks. Wow.

    The kit: pretty standard starter kit: comes with 2 ego natural batteries with 5 click, 2 cones, 2 atty bases which hold the replaceable atty module, a blister pack of 5 attys, USB cable, USB wall plug, 5 tanks, small packet of rubber replacement end caps, little cloth pouch, bottle of mystery juice and instructions.

    Fit & finish: first rate, nice hand feel, branding all over it but tasteful.

    Vapor production: tons. Bloog/volt like (my experience is that Bloog/volt put out tons of vapor). Seriously a lot better vapor production than my normal setup.

    Taste: very good. Compared to the carto, I think this is a bit lower in taste. However, that could be because the juices I like taste better when they are really cooked/almost burnt (Carmelized). The ego-c is seems to be producing a "cleaner" vape and taste is affected. However, fruity juices do taste good to me in this (again, I normally run hotter so fruits in that environment get burned/chemical tasting)

    TH: good, of course this all depends on the juice.

    Battery: I think joye has improved the batteries somehow. Took one off the charger at 4pm, drove to vape meet in York,PA and put it back I charger at midnight. Vaped pretty much entire time and the battery still had life in it. I was not seeing the yellow light. All in all I'd rate my use tonight as high end for me and it lasted. Very good.

    Tanks: no leaking, uses the standard ego-t tanks. Used both the ones the ego-c came with and type A ego-t tanks I got from a vendor today.

    Atty: have only used 1 atty and have thrown a bunch of juices at it: thin, thick, light, dark, menthol, non-menthol. Just blow it out, swap tanks (or wash the tank with warm water and refil) and boom, right back at it. In fact, you need not even blow it out if going from one juice flavor to complementary one. First couple of puffs juice flavors combine, but after that, atty delivers flavor from only juice in tank.

    Obviously, more time will tell but after 24 hrs, quite impressed. I have a couple of LR ego-t tanks I got for comparison, but haven't had the opportunity yet to use them, so I'll update later.

    One positive of the atty is that I think the design really optimizes juice delivery to it. I mean,it's basically a bridge less atty, the spike has a small bit of wicking in it, but it's really a straight shot from the tank to the atty coil. Someone told me that the ego-c atty is basically a bridge-less 306, and that might be a good way to think of it.

    Overall impressions: really like it. For me, I need a PV that's small, unobtrusive , holds a 1/2 days (8 to 10 hrs) worth of juice (or swappable carts/tanks) and battery lasts 1/2 day. Like I said, I'm not a fiddler- don't normally want to be messing with bottles of juice, dripping, filling cartos when I'm at work/out and about (basically ill fiddle when im on the couch). This seems to fit all those requirements.

    Obviously, the ego-c has all of the pluses of the ego-t, the hope is that joye has addressed the minuses. Experience so far says they have. More time with it will tell.

    Bringing my SB to work has issues, and this looks like an awesome replacement. I love the fact that the attys can be changed and are cheaper than the ego-t attys. seems silly but I have a mental block about having to toss a 10-12 dollar ego-t atty vice tossing a $6 one. I also don't want to have to engage in atty maintenance if I don't want to. Option of tossing a $6 atty is palatable.

    My hope is that eventually ego-c will be "the" standard ego style tank PV in future, resulting in price drops to 3-4 dollars an atty. that's carto range there. Plus, the ego-c attys should/could last longer: they can be blown, cleaned with alcohol and burned, where cartos are much bigger hassle.

    So that's it for first impressions. Still need to do a comparison by using ego-t LR atty. at some point, I'll write up a more detailed review, with pics/vids and such, but want to give it 2 weeks of use.

    I have heard that joye is gonna be releasing a LR ego-c atty a full ego-c launch which is awesome. One concern I have is that I think replacement attys will be hard to come by for a few weeks/months as joye rolls out the ego-c. That kind of sucks, so I'll have to watch ovale and TW sites like a hawk to score some additional attys.

    My recommendation is this: ovale is offering the ego-c for 69 bucks. My understanding is that end of November this goes up to 129. I also heard joyetech is cracking down on its distributors on pricing, so I'm not sure what will be the real street price once it's widely available. But, 69 is a steal for the kit if you are in the market for an ego tank style or newbie. If the price goes up, or you already have an ego or ego tank style then at least get the cone and the attys to add to your ego/ego-t setup.

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