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Posts posted by PoppaC

  1. I don't own a Pipe but a Friend at work does. The vapor seems to be about the same as the Penstyle, BUT the batteries are changeable. IE You can purchase new batteries right from Walmart.

    You'v got to explain that... like watch batteries? How about the atomizers and the carts???

  2. Has anyone had any experience with the pipe yet... Chris, I think you mentioned something about it uses the same atomizer as the penstyle.... is everything about it (batteries, atomizers, etc. ) interchangible? And is the vapor the same as a penstyle then?

  3. Okay.... whew!!! :unsure: I'm still trying to figure out what you have taught me already... My future other half just joined the forum and she doesn't even smoke.... Now she's whipping me at the arcade like vacker does... and she knows more about computers... I'm gonna' stick with ya though... :blush:

  4. I was looking around for something that would cut the yuk off the coil... It looks like baked on nicotine.. how about trying lemon juice... it shouldn't leave a bad taste like vinegar ant it is supposed to cut grease.?...... I am starting to have a fit with my atomizers... they are starting to get a strange taste in them.... just the build up I guess...

  5. What was on fox last night?

    Basically a run down on what an e-cig is and that the FDA spokesman gave Foxnews info to the affect they were starting to hold up shipments due to not being approved safe for the public.. Same old junk and info we all have been hearing.

    It's interesting how two faced and obvious that the drug companies along with tobacco companies are along with the gov't....

    Nothing makes sense anymore...... I'm from a moonshine state and figure there has to be away somehow to learn to make our own... there are instructions on everything else on the web.... eventually someone a lot more talented than I am will figure it out and come up with a solution.... B)

  6. Sigh, while I am not trying to defend these officers actions in the slightest there have been problems with Arizona border patrol agents for many years. I do however find it a bit odd that a pastor refused to answer the officers questions since they are all very simple and non intrusive, IE where are you coming from, where are you going especially from San Diego to Phoenix which is a major route for drug and human trafficking from Mexico, and while I understand our 4th amendment right to not be searched without a warrant in a situation like that with the border patrol when you have nothing to hide it’s just easier to let them search, but as I said the pastor declining to let them search his vehicle in no way justifies the violent action these officers used.

    Chris kinda knows where I'm coming from and my experience, Royce. I must agree with you and Chris. The confusion is growing for a reason. I know for a fact that a minister is supposed to be obedient to the law... Respectful towards authority... Christ was beaten and tortured but He did answer those that accused Him. There is no justification for what the border patrol did to this minister. But I've always had a problem with obstinate ministers or obstinate people in general.... It is not Christ like as the title indicates.... We are not to just roll over and play dead, as believers, but we are never to instigate.... I am, and always will be a fighter... but I would never consider being disrespectfull towards authority.... there are other means to deal with the situation...... And I am not taking the border patrols side..... there is a lot more here than we are seeing..... there is going to be a lot more of this in the future, I fear.....

  7. I actually get the curious people but they don't want to spend the money. Guess they think it's only 20 bucks and last forever. when i tell them 50 bucks and some maintenance they lose interest. I do have one girl who is annoyed at it and makes smart *** remarks but she has a problem with me so it's not really about the personal vaporizer (pv) i use.

    Her problem with me is i am a man-magnet and she ain't. :lol: hahahahaha and my personal vaporizer is also a man-magnet. hahahaha :lol:

    I agree with her, I love ya....Princess... Hee! Hee! Hee! It's funny, but most people don't even consider what they spend on analogs as a comparison. Not even talking about your lungs... either.

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