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ninjabat last won the day on March 27 2013

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    Lancaster, PA
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    Kung-Fu movies, Pirates, and Banjo Music

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  1. Grats on quitting analogs and welcome to the forum.
  2. Oh, you might need to keep the silica wicks from touching the bottom of your pot so a 'bath' (a water-filled bowl in the pot) will keep the silica away from direct heat. No guarantee on TOTAL success but it should diminish the old flavor anyway.
  3. 15 mins on a consistent boil is the sterilization procedure using distilled water. As long as no plastic or rubber parts (gaskets) are in there you should be fine.
  4. You sure are welcome, happy Easter!!
  5. Here are a couple diff ones: http://www.gotvapes.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=68_138&products_id=945&zenid=b9b395abf36330d2e3e56ce3bf7261dd and http://www.gotvapes.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=68_138&products_id=944
  6. A thread sleeve/skirt/cover helps, but gets annoying when I switch my Novas to T3/MT3s.
  7. When I got my Stinger the first charge lasted me 10 days un-kicked. It was my new device so I vaped it pretty often, especially since I do a lot of driving. That was before I had a multimeter so I would stop before going that long... I'm lucky the battery still charges. Now that I got the kick it will warn me in advance. I recommend the kick not for the VW but for the circuit protection. Only 26650+kick that I know of, just got my new cap and loving it with the AGA-T and Cap'm juice.
  8. Ha ha, 'tis the season. It'll make 'em happy!! It's a blast having a ton of babies running around the tank. Should have 14 in there by tomorrow. Gonna be a pinhead cricket eating festival in there this weekend.
  9. You are welcome 2bsmoke4ee!! Yes, they aren't full but mostly charged when you get them I think, maybe it depends. I honestly don't advise leaving the battery charging overnight. They usually only need 3 or 4 hours and could be a hazard if over-charged. Glad to hear you like the variable voltage, it's awesome being able to add more volts to fix a lame throat hit. Best of luck to you on yer vaping journey!!
  10. Every time I trip over or my passthrough cable, even if no one is around, I feel kinda silly... I hate when people see my Green Vision Sipnner with Green Vivi Nova and Green knucklehead drip tip and think it's paraphernalia. Not sure if I get embarrassed but it makes me not want to vape in public.
  11. Howdy and welcome, thanks for the review. Anyone looking for cigatette-shaped devices will appreciate that!! Keep in mind that those cartos can be popped open in the back with a paperclip and re-filled with REAL juice. The NJoy is the kind my brother-in-law got so hopefully it's goot enough to get him into vaping.
  12. The juice is actually Vapor Cafe's own house blend. While they do carry 3 of Totally Wicked's flavors, the house blends are the ones that are sampled. I agree with you that it's awesome to have a real vape store nearby and yes way too much of my money WILL be spent there!! They aren't exclusive to Totally Wicked but they do have quite a lot of their stuff. Mr. Wicked sure looks cool on my new Nova. Does anyone know if the heads on the Vision Vivi Nova are compatible with the Totally Wicked Nova?? The owner is even looking into getting some ProVari (if he can) so I will keep you posted when I have to fight the temptation to buy a mini.
  13. Ya, my Spinner charger flashes also. It even turns orange between the red and green all the while flashing green. I just wait until it is a solid green no flashing to unplug. I have found no rhyme or reason to the Spinner button light, it's on when I plug it in and random after that whether it stays on or not and for how long.
  14. LOL again, the dragon in the video is to blame. It was so fun to watch him eat... One more pip... 13 so far and a few more eggs to go. That was a very fertile first clutch for the momma. In a week they are going to the local store and other homes.
  15. They are normal, I now have 6 in the tank and 6 more are pipped in the incubator. It must be spring time, our female (the momma) is gravid again!!
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