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Phaseman66 last won the day on August 22 2011

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  • Location
    Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Interests
    My wife and family, 50's cars and vaping

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sounds like a good idea, my problem with that is..I have to fly to Seattle, and then meet a cruise ship. I'm not sure you can send stuff ahead.
  2. GlockMATT - Sorry to hear about the vape snatching..I have to fly out of McCarran in a few months time and don't wish to meet the same fate. Can I ask the circumstances? Was it all carry-on? I would really hate to be without on my vacation.
  3. I'm going on an Alaskan cruise and was curious to see if this subject had been approached here on VT, and I happened on this thread... Thought I'd pass on the regs aboard Princess Cruises at least...I was MORE than pleased to see E-cigs not only covered, but somewhat embraced IMO...times are changing "Electronic Cigarettes The use of electronic cigarettes is permitted in all areas onboard with the exception of dining areas and the Princess Theater. However, should a fellow passenger in the vicinity feel inconvenienced and complain, even after being told the difference between electronic cigarettes and real cigarettes, we will ask the passenger to refrain from smoking the electronic cigarette." This was found at http://www.princess.com/learn/faq_answer/onboard/experience.jsp Click the tab labeled "smoking policy change". I also figure the smoking policy change had to do with fires in the past while at sea...
  4. Other is Provari in my case.
  5. Amen to that.
  6. The Mark & Brian show! That has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
  7. Add another fan to the pile. I finally got some of this juice on board and it really is a satisfying vape. Graham and tobacco, who would think they would be so good together? Somehow it works. Neither is overpowering, but you get a good taste of both. Huge vapor with this all-VG offering, but I am curious to see how quick it will plug up a carto on me.
  8. Way to go! ...and they say "no one likes a quitter". VaporTalk does.
  9. You're mentioning a burning and harshness, from my experience, it sounds like you may vaping on a Carto that is too dry. This will sometimes cause the material around the atomizer to burn slightly and give you that bad taste and burn in your lungs and throat. The problem is, once a Carto gets scorched like that it's pretty much done for giving you a smooth vape. Our VaporTalk Founder and fearless leader, Christopher made a really useful vid that shows how to fill your cartos up right and give you the best vape. Check it out here. - Hope this helps you!
  10. When I first started vaping, I HAD to put my PV in the ashtray. I was so conditioned to reaching for the ashtray, it was the only logical place for me to set it down so as not to lose it. I use to grab a lighter too out of habit, damn near lit my RN4081 a few times. Talk about Pavlovian.
  11. Ya know, at first I thought the Provari felt a little heavy switching up from a Joker, but I like feeling that extra weight now, it reminds me I haven't left it someplace. Gotta repect the Provari!
  12. Great! Where can we hear it?
  13. Ah, takes me back to be asked that. Being a long time smoker, I was really REALLY skeptical at first about e cigs. I didn't think I could get a genuine smoking 'experience' using anything that wasn't on fire and filled with tobacco. Boy, was I wrong. My first unit was a RN4081 unit, a small one that looks and feels most like a real cigarette. I took that sucker out of that box, charged it up and the very first puff, I KNEW I was a vaper and an ex-smoker. The feel as I inhaled was identical to a smoke, the hand to mouth habit was satisfied also. My harshest test was how satisfying an e cig would be with my morning cup of coffee. It did the trick. I was amazed. This may seem a bit dramatic, but at that moment I felt the potential of these devices and I was filled with hope that I may have actually found a way out of my own smoking hell. The juice that came preloaded in the cartridges was ok, but light years away from the juice I ended up with as my all day vape. The device was ok, and I enjoyed that first time, but as my pre-filled cartridges ran out, I knew that my 4081 wasn't going to be enough to handle a hardcore smoker like I was. At that point, I decided to arm myself with any e cig knowledge I could find, that led me here....and the rest is history. Since then, I determined what juice I like best, and moved up to a 5 volt device. And it was good. I haven't looked back at cigarettes and I can't wait to see how much farther the development of e cigs goes, and (insert favorite deity here) willing, we will all get to spend just a little more time on Earth with our kids, friends and our families because of them.
  14. Same story..just short of two weeks. Definitely worth the wait time.
  15. Being a Vegas local, I'm going to do my best to attend...but with a one year old at home, all plans are subject to change. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
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