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    sweet7 got a reaction from mcquinn in Hi From Vapochusetts   
    Okay Massachusetts!...Two weeks ago I bought a disposable Blu Cig. It wasn't bad, bought another. Kept buying cigarettes, because I LOVE smoking. Then I thought maybe there's something to these e-cigs. My wife, a non-smoker, mentioned that there was a store in town that (only) sold e-cigs. SOOOO, we went over, walked in, spoke to the gentleman behind the counter. He asked me about my smoking "habits", how much, how many, how long etc...I showed him the Blu Cig. He had mixed feelings about them, but it did get me to walk into his shop. Well after talking for about twenty minutes, I walked out with eGo system. Another customer recommended RY4 juice...Got it! LOVE it!..Have not had a cigarette in 4 days. NO cravings, actually like this better (a lot)....I've always liked smoking, I know I'm addicted to nicotine. I'm not doing this to "quit" smoking. To me this is an alternative. An alternative that I find MORE satisfying. I made the decision not to buy cigarettes again....OH! I forgot to mention, I've been smoking for 48 years (I can still hop on a bicycle and go for a 30 mile ride, do it quite a bit). Thanks for listening!
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