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  1. looks like some kind of cap or cover
  2. 24ga 14 wrap 1/16 drill bit in a rogue rda. had to build short as this rda is pretty small i think it came out to like .35 ohm i cant remember off the top of my head
  3. my new 4nine clone and rogue rda need to get a new SS drip tip stole this one from my stingrayx/apo setup
  4. i have a small vice on my work bench in the mancave i just clamp what ever size bit into it and call that good lol
  5. all is good mark i hop on every few days to see whats new now, just not a daily user like i was lol.
  6. lol sounds like the local b&m place here, they sell rda's and all that jazz, but they dont have an ohm meter anywhere in the store. im like uhh..... on the other hand they asked me to come in and teach them how to build coils as no one in the staff knows how to do it.
  7. wagex

    18650 cells

    got my lmnk 18650's ($5 each) (20a) yesterday got me a full charge on them and boom built a .5ohm tripple twisted 32g dual coil. battery doesnt even get a little bit warm on my stingray-x mech.
  8. wagex

    18650 cells

    im using some sony cells right now that are like 4A max cont. and they are running my single .9ohm coil at the moment though i have some 30 amp lmnk's coming in the mail then il build a couple similar coils for ~.45ohm
  9. my second coil i built for my first rda i got on saturday. i have an APO rda clone on a stingray - x clone this coil comes to .9ohm's im only using 4 amp batteries at the moment should have some 30amp batteries today or tomorrow then il go a bit lower probably .
  10. sheesh cant delete the post the two threads are too similar lol accidentally cross posted and thought i lost my mind, i new i posted! haha i did order two mnke 18650's for $5 each today on sale have an APO rda on the way some cotton filled ekowool (just to test with) and an ohm reader doodad.
  11. 32ga kanth and a new digital charger
  12. lol feels weird being a noobie, did alot of research never realized how cheap mods are getting and all these new rda's and whatnot. wow boom mind blown. i have been using my poor little vp2 for the last 3 or 4 years, shes worn out completely put battery in backwards it just makes it fire non-stop and lots of fun stuff. p.s. hi again jeffb, mark, and christopher, its been a minute
  13. finally gonna retire my vp2 still using it daily, hard to find any 14500 batteries that are worth the cost anymore. purchased a stingray x since i have a ton of sanyo 18650's for my flashlights hopefully it will last me as long as my vp2 has lasted, or longer.
  14. ice cream paint job?
  15. yeap just got my AW batteries in the mail they work awesome!! deffinately worth the 7.50
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