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Everything posted by KuyaDave
Ya There was about 20 of them for sale in the past couple months. People buy up domains of sites they feel will sell. But the downfall I think someone is nuts for purchasing a new domain for more then 1000. now if it was disney domain It would be well worth the 50k But if someone has the money and likes the domain names They will Buy it. I have not seen 1 of them sell as of yet. Let me buy a new truck first LOL
actually the only thing there not suppose to sell on ebay is the e-cig itself & the liquids. considering they know people of any age could sign up & buy things. But your right. We should at least be able to find passthru's Battery Mods etc. But then again Paypal portion may not be allowed to be used. That's Just my slight view of information.. Amazon even pulled the sale of it. Along with a few other sites. A While Back
And I will laugh So Hard when they find out Truly how dangerous Tobacco is.(Which they have known for many years) And e-cig is not new it's at least 4 years old.(If My Research is accurate Cant remember exact dates) Just new to them Cause so many people getting involved with it.
interesting... The FDA is in Charge and doesn't know whats inside of a analog? And there more interested in finding whats in a e-cig? Odd Like the rest of it. I Feel & Believe FDA IS Government. trying to control more & More. But I will always do my best to keep my Personal thoughts about that To Myself.
Yes very true. but my issue is I don't know what the inner diameter or length of what I wish to use yet. Still Searching for it. It's something I have not seen sofar anyone use. if they have I have not found any pics of it yet. Put a loop on it Hang it from your keys & detach mmm Nice battery Idea hehe. and should get a few hours run time on it.
IMHO I feel that they are more safe then some of the foods we eat. Ya sure you have nicotine which is a known poison yet is used to cure people for some things. Then you have items already Proven safe for human consumption. All that are known have been approved or available in 1 way or another for many years. The only problem is we are mixing them and there is another way to use them. There trying to control it. while they know the outcome is fine. It's all about the Digits..$.. Yes I feel personally even if there is no nicotine we could probably get by and enjoy it. Is that safe? I think so. Why? When you boil water or cook your creating evaporation which does not make us sick. And what are we vaping if 0Nic? Food Grade Items. Hmm I am with you Before I went to far into it I spent a little time looking for downfalls bad and why not about e-cigs. And The researching I found including True research they could not come up with anything bad. Ya maybe some of the companies used extra stuff. But now most will do thorough testing with there Liquids. There is nothing wrong with it. They just want there money. And if there going to keep pressing this. They better think twice. & Everyone better get involved and fight them. Maybe we all need to just gather together gather some funds up & take and protest the GOV&FDA.... And Reclaim Our Rights.
Not Bad Mc.. Ya I tore apart the battery. Removed the connector. Thought about using the tubing until I thought of something better if it will fit. And if it don't then Pressure fitting it or Something to make it the way I like. Cut the end off thread it Insert battery if possible and go from there. going to work for around 4-5v for my 401.. it lasted me a year so can't complain.. But finding a useful adapter to make it work my way. maybe even use the old battery & protection circuit to put inline.but the stock batt is so tiny for my idea. AAA Would be more ideal and possibly AA.. As soon as I find where my housing went that I was thinking of using.
Coil is nice idea. But mostly for auto.. For home I prefer use my 10' USB Cable or 6' for making mine as soon as I do it. And Currently going thru some stuff to look for a new battery design for personal or else just use as a Passthru. Thinks everyone would like it Possibly if I could make it look decent. just figuring how to add a Switch is my issue.
Glad your Rethinking.. As we all say Don't Is just our recommendation. As you will make your mind up in the end. Yes there is green tea & lot's of others. Not sure how much those disposables are. So can't comment. But Here is another idea. Buy a kit for your mom & 1 for your aunt. With the order order plenty of juice.. Order 1 flavor of nic free peg or vg blend. & try it on 1 of the kits you ordered. Each starter kit comes with 2 e-cigs. unless there cheap on a extra atty. if done properly A Atty should last a long time. But sometimes they will fail... Well thats just my thoughts again.. My hookah Mint reminds me of spearmint gum so you know.
darn 1amp huh... this is possibly going to be hard for me to do.150mah 5v is all I have right now. looks nice. Im just going to make mine look like a the battery I believe & then take and use wall adapter. have a 6ft usb cable that will work fine. just lacking the switch right now.
dlynne Same here. ordered it last night Cause I felt it deserved it. & Carlos Is a Good guy & Has helped many.. 6-7 weeks estimated. and hopefully it will come sooner then later... as long as he has all the parts needed in stock... I notice tons are getting ordered within 1weeks time. I should have bought it when I first found it and was interested. was a 3-4wk backlog.. But it's fair I am waiting patiently for it. hehe.
aug 09 i traveled from lax *Los Angeles* to Philippines. Vaped in airport & On plane. No Issues. but only vaped enough to keep me comfy. 13hr or so flight batt died before landed. LOL But only few puffs at a time every hr But there should be no issues Just carry the card that comes with some units stating its a smoke free device or explain it to them its legal. if they have a problem they will tell you to stop. But your friend is fine I'm sure Mind you I did fly on Philippine airlines. Not United or any american airlines. As I had a preferred airport I wished to land.
What Liquid Other Than Vt Is Good?
KuyaDave replied to Lordvapor's topic in General Vaping Discussion
Only Good Juice is the Juice You Like... hehe. I like mint but thats All I have truly tried sofar. others I have I didn't notice the flavor.. but im also a analog smoker still. So It wont effect me for a while im sure. hookah mint tastes like spearmint gum to me. -
Hey Jake.. You know IM not going to tell you not to. But I will tell you 1 thing.. STAY AWAY FROM THE NIC..... LOL just cause you wish to try it I feel is fine.. especially if your trying nic free. Like you said you could probably get addicted to the flavors.. I Agree.. The first 2 days I had mint.. OMG I miss it so much since i fried my battery. IM tinkering now and Probably will fry my atty just to get some of my mint taste back... But remember your an adult your the 1 who makes your decisions. Nobody else can do that. But like 90% of us will tell you its not good to start.. Kids never listen... LOL... haha. Well Hope you don't get addicted in anyway shape or form. Your always welcome to join in & help with researching chattr what ever. all upto you. Peace.
You can say that again.. Thats why I also ordered the juice box. Would prefer puff on that then analogs down the line. And the 510's and hopefully my envy/401 continues to work fine. But thinks my batt is the issue.
oh on another note just remembered something... I agree with ddave.. & Possibly hold off for a day if your feeling badly. and see how it goes.. Have not read what issues there has been with pg & people. I can't wait for my vg mix to get here to see how it is also. So many mixed reviews of each type. all about user preference. Just relax Don't forget to drink lots of water also.
possible if u took and stopped analogs instantly. could mean your lungs are trying to get rid of the bad tar etc from the smokes. I was hacking on my first day. then my attie clogged up or else my battery. but back to analogs sucks I hate it so much but hard to break my habit of the smoke & I miss my mint flavor.
A Little Tip for your metabolism. Eat small Healthy Snack Meals every Few hours. After you eat is generally when your metabolism is at its peak. I have started doing that & Have gained some more energy to help get stuff done. Just too bad too much stuff That I need to get done. & Vaportalk to me sounds better then esmoketalk but ya i would say esmoketalk would conflict with esmokes
Oh ya I can verify that.. Trying to get the juice taste off my lips now. Will give that a shot. wonders about soaking it in vodka hehe. trying to find something that might hold it. Im gonna split away from this topic & bring it back to mine since this isn't part of the Just ordered. Just Click Mine..
Not yet.. Just used compressor both directions on it. at about 40psi Like i did the other day to get most the mint flavor out. But this time I didn't rinse it out. its a 401 attie so your talking about the battery connector side? since the top is the bridge & im sure it works due to getting vapor out of it when I puff it hard enough from being clogged.
Flooded & Clogged.. Puff on it sometimes I get it to kick the battery sometimes I don't. Aired it out really good with Compressor. this morning I dripped way too much on it craving a analog when I woke up.. & Ended up flooding it.
Isn't that True.. Now I truly understand why everyone has extra atties & a passthru.. Flooded my attie & now im smoking analogs completely this morning... Just chaining away on those. Can't wait until my 510 and 401 attie get here. I will Be happy.. But sad cause I forgot to order a PassThru. Hmm still clogged.
Like Myself when I first bought a e-cig Envy Bliss for 25 at a tobacco shop. Tried it and basically dismissed it and used it mainly for playing with vapor lol. washed it in washer and dryer & it still worked. its flooded now. too many drops when I woke up. But from pack and half a day I dropped to 3/4 pack yesterday More today cause I haven't gone out to air it out. But the mint has helped me & I do drink more water and lemonade now... & Crave spearmint gum & I hate spearmint gum. But I do feel anyone could quit smoking using 1 of the e-cigs with the proper flavoring. with stock carts you won't enjoy.. But A Choice of different flavorings would be great for starters mostly minty types for me sofar. Will make sure I have a minty flavor with me always & a blank cart & mint attie with me. Just in case someone wishes to try it. It takes more then just seeing someone smoking it or a video on it to interest people. They need to try it for themself. OK im getting carried away... I need to go clean my attie out. & hopefully get this coffee/chocolate cappuccino out of my attie... Someone send me a broken 510 PT is there 1 for a 401? LOL I will take both haha.
LOL I am in True NorCal... No Offence to people in the bay area or sactown area but your in central Cali... Look at a map & see all the places Until the oregon Border.. Well I am near the border & average daytime temp in summer is 75. Average temp during winter Day is about 55-60. Yes its very warm compared to your place.. Night time rarely gets below 30 But sometimes it does.. I average the house out at 70-72.. Just cause I'm 35 don't mean I don't need heat. I take care of my 82 soon to be 83yr old grandfather. Gramma passed away about a yr and half ago and about 2yrs for my mom to pass away due to cancer. Nothing to do with smoking.. Had to do with Chemo which causes cancer or can spread cancer thru out your body. OK enough about me... Need finish this coffee & go out and blow out my attie. Flooded it. Stuff that can happen when u just wake up..
OK Split this Topic... And Spank those out of place.. LOL Heater Repairman should be here shortly... Tired of Freezing.. almost as cold inside as outside with heater failing during the night..