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Everything posted by DasBeanz

  1. I have a VP1 and an eGo. I now want to move up to a higher voltage. I would like one that is small around, as close to the VP1. Or just the best HV unit out there. Any suggestions?
  2. I have the Volcano and it's the same thing as the blu but different color. I thought it was great when I first got it. But now I don't use it any more after I got my eGo and VP1. The battery is too small for me. I take it to the bars with me so other people can try E cigs. I got 2 more people switched over last weekend.
  3. Hello everyone. I am going to post my thoughts on my e-cigs that I got so far. I own 5 different types of unites. My first one is a smoke51 Duo. My second one is a DSE901. My third is a Volcano. And my foruth is a Janty eGo. And finally my fifth one is the VP1 with the 510 attys. (more to come latter) When I started vaping I jumped right into it. I didn't do any online research. I walked into my local cigarette store to buy a carton and walked out with the Duo starter kits. It was a 2 piece that uses cartomizers. I like it because I don't have to worry about the atomizer. If it burns out I put on a new cartrige. The down side is they cost $2 each and can only be refilled with the same flavor two to three times then it starts tasting bad no matter what you put in it. After doing some online reading I realized that I should of done some online reading first. I paid way too much for the Smoke51,$81 out the door. I then bought a DSE901. I also bought some juice and a usb passthrew. My first atty died after one day. I was sent a new one and about 2 weeks later my last 2 atties passed away. By that time my new Volcano showed up in the mail. The Volcano, if you haven't heard of it, is a small 3 piece with an exposed atty. I was finaly able to dip. It came with a PCC that held a fully assembled e cig and one battery in the charging slot. It also held 5 carts. The atties are $5 and the carts are $4 for 5. They where realy small compared to all other auto batteries that I have. And they didn't last that long before they had to be charged. It was my favorite until I got my eGo 2 weeks later. The Janty eGo battery is a 600MhA and lasted me almost 10 hours of hardly putting it down. It took 2 hours to charge one battery and you can drip with it. It uses the dura 510 atty. I love this thing. It also looks good to me. I finally got the VP1. It also looks good. The battery is alot better than regular batteries. Mine has the 510 atty with red leds. It preforms perfectly except it does not last longer than the eGo. My next PV will be something over 600MhA, or 5 volts. In conclusion this is how I rate my units. 1=favorite, 5=collecting dust. 1.Janty eGo 2.VP1 (510 atty) 3.Volcano 4.DSE901 5.Smoke51 I would like to know anyone's thoughts about any of these units, or thoughts on there's.
  4. Thanks
  5. I do the same thing when I go to the bar. But I always get my stuff back at the end of the night. I let them keep the cartridge so they don't forget about e cigs. I let them use my Volcano. If it doesn't come back then I'm only out $15.
  6. Is there a size limit to how large of a posting you can put up?
  7. I bought an eGo fron Janty. It has a atty cover. The eGo uses a 510 and mine gets hot also. But with that cover your hand does not touch the atty. I just got a VP1 today. The atti gets got that also. I put the eGo cover on the VP1 to see how it looks. It looks AWSOME!!! They should make one for the Spade. I also found an atty that has an exposed atomizer for dipping. It's the atty to the Volcano V-cig. (just a FYI to the eGo owners out there)
  8. I'm the same way. I vape so much that I cut down all my juices with VG. I was at 24mg-36mg. I noticed that I was getting too much nic. I have 0mg that I vap at my computer and about 10mg that I leave the house with.
  9. I have been vaping for 2 months. I bought 6 different units. I just got a Janty eGo and I love it. The main reason is the manual push button. I messed up a lot of batteries from juice getting in it. Pluse I don't have to do the "Primer puffs" to get the atty heated up.
  10. DasBeanz


    I seen on vaperking.com they sell the GG and they have a AFS(Auto Feed System) for the GG. I also hear people talking about the Juice box. I can't find any pics or info on the juice box. So if anybody here knows any info on the Juice box and/or and other auto feed systems I would love the feed back. Thanks.
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