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Everything posted by DasBeanz

  1. Thank you. I appreciate the help. I couldn't find his email on the Janty website.
  2. I'll try waiting another week for a reply.
  3. I placed a order a few weeks ago and they delivered it to my old address. I thought that I might of messed up on the shipping so I rechecked the order. I did put in the right information and it was Janty that made the mistake. I opened at ticket with them and heard nothing back from them. I have opened a ticket with them before with no responce from them. Does anyone know how to get a responce back from Janty USA?
  4. They make a digital pot. It's an IC chip and can be set with out a microcontroller. It uses pulses to raise or lower the resistance.
  5. E-cigs already have processors in them. I tore apart a dead Smoke51 Duo. It controlls the cartomizer, light and charging of the unit. By adding another battery and program it to be able to switch back and forth between voltages would be the sweetest thing.
  6. LOL. Ya, maybe I shouldn't use that term. It could open up some doors for people to make some wise cracks. Good thing I tested it out here first. Ty for pointing that out. lol.
  7. TY for the change. The processor can monitor the voltage and protect aginst shorts in the system. It also can automaticly switch from 6v to 3.7 by paraleling the 2 battries to make the unit last longer at a lower voltage and letting the Vapist know that there battires are getting low and will be needing to change them soon. Using the processor you can use a touch switch instead of a push button this would eliminate the acidental fireing of the unit in someone's pocket unless they get wet. Also make charging contacts on the bottom of the unit so it can be droped into a charger at the end of the day giving the user the choice of switching the battries or charging them inside the unit. using diodes you can protect from getting a shock from the charging contacts. Keeping a charger on your desk it can hold and charge to unit at the smae time.
  8. I still would like to see an American company make a beautiful PV device. I have the GG slim with the 7v extention and the thing is a work of art. Even the eGo looks good. The American PV's look like pegs of a BMX bike turned into a PV. The best looking American made PV that I have seen is the VP1. Even thoe I don't use it much, I won't give it away. I do break it out from time to time, but that's about it. And for the varible voltage topic, I was thinking of useing a microcontroller to switch from 3v to 5v. The controller can be programed to be 3v but if you push the button 3 times fast then it goes to 5v and the led changes color. Parallax makes a chip called BS1. It's small and not expencive and there might be even smaller ones out there.....Just my 2 cents.(I might need to get some change back also.lol)
  9. Does anyone know what the connection Smoke 51 Duo uses? I like the flavors but would like to vape them on another PV.
  10. If we raised the taxes on alcohol then the politicians would vote them self's another raise.
  11. Has anybody heard when The Joker from vaprlife is supposed to be released?
  12. I'm going to have to order me some of that sweet sweet juice your talking about. My fav is the french pipe. I went threw withdraws also when I ran out. So I ordered 60ml from 5 different vendors to find the best. It was Janty, with wordupecig taking 2nd place.
  13. I prefer cartomizers. They make adapters to turn a 510 into a 901. I went this rout because I can go back and forth between dripping and just using a cartomizer.
  14. As of 9:14a.m. TX time I am currently vaping on Vaportalk Tobacco on my V4L usb passthrew and Janty french pipe on my VP1. And it is AWESOME!!
  15. If this guy is a REAL doctor then he is selling his hepacrdical oath down the river and should have his license taken away.
  16. Do they have cigarette lighters in the Humvee and/or tanks? Or make camo PCCs! That would be sweet.
  17. I have to agree. Very good post.
  18. Does the Electronic Cigarette Association have a lobbyist?
  19. I can see what they are trying to go for here. We can't control how much nicoine we use inside our PVs. I have never saw 500mg proof e liquids. I have 60mg and I cut it down with VG to about 15mg, if I add any nicotine to my mixes at all. I see that they are trying to scare people with this article but I have faith in the human race that we are not stupid and do some reading for our self's. I think they are aiming at the non smokers, and I don't think that non smokers would, should, or even could EVER have the right no mess with my E Cig!
  20. As I was reading the comments on the article I noticed that there where more posts in favor of the E cigs(PVs) than apposed. It made me think a bit(no, it didn't hurt) about why that is. I came to the conclusion that all smokers approve of e cig, and probably 95% of non smokers approve of e cigs. I think that the non smokers approve because they know at least one person that they care about smokes and would like them to quit. And deep down inside these people hope that e cigs will help save the life of those loved ones that smoke.
  21. I have to agree with you on this. If they band nicotine then they might try caffeine. And how would that effect them? I am sure they sit around drinking coffee talking about how bad smokers are. Or at least start there day off with a cup or more of coffee to start there day off.
  22. I took a small pice of foil and rolled it up into a long pice. I pushed half of it into the hole of the attie then wadded up the other end. I took caution so that I was not pushing it into the attie too far. I didn't want it to come close to the heater in the attie. And when I wadded up the other end I was making sure that it would not spread out too far and short out the connection between the battery and the attie. It took me a few tries, but it works good.
  23. That was the problem, thanks. I took some aluminum foil and used it to make a better connection to the center of the attie.
  24. Yes it has. I have 8 atties and it's the same thing with all of them.
  25. I have a Janty eGo. I have had it for almost 2 months. This past week my atties sometime works and some times they don't. They all work on my Valcano and my VP1. I cleaned the atties and that didn't work. I cleaned the eGo threads that the attie goes into and that didn't work. I unscrew the attie and slowly screw it back in, lestining for the attie to fire and that didn't work. The eGo works when it wants to and that don't work for me. I also tried charging them befor the light flashes. And that didn't work. I am stumped. Any help for me out there?
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