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Everything posted by WillBlack

  1. It pretty much is. From 10-20014. I think I saw one white face there.
  2. Great batteries are dirt cheap these days. Use them, abuse them, replace them. In my old 'Evercool', a stacked mod, I'd often drag one cell down to ~2.2V. Codling batteries in hopes of getting a few more cycles out of them is not for me.
  3. Well I feel no kinship with the new breed of vapers. A prime example: These aren't the folks I'd choose to hang with, nor would I want any potential new vapers to see this. Obviously 'tons' of fun at the buffet though. Even GrimmGreen. Ever seen his neck statement? I don't know much about art, but this ain't it.
  4. Watched the first few episodes of the new season.
  5. Fasttech has many well reviewed mechs for <$20 and atties at ~$10. And the #1 HD batteries in the world, with an unblemished safety record, are less than <$7.
  6. No exactly, most will wrap for about ~ 0.16, Seems they should be < 1.0Ω
  7. There is also this reasonably priced alternative. http://www.vaportekusa.com/hcigar-dna-40-authentic-evolv/ The advantages are a spring loaded 510 pin, inbuilt charging and venting. Note venting will help to keep the chip assembly running cooler.
  8. Seems nice, the reviewer though is a twit.
  9. Nice tank, that reviewer though is a smug POS. So full of himself. LOL
  10. List the recipe you used.
  11. I guess it's a coincidence.
  12. I liked it, plenty of action and the whole King of the Zombies thing caught me by surprise.
  13. Used them for many years as have many long time vapers. Actually when it comes to actually documented 18650 fires, explosions, and failures never buy batteries with Sony in their name.
  14. Moronism. The only red, old version, AW I know of is the AW IMR18650/1600mAh cell rated at an accurate 24A continuous discharge. A true, pure IMR and one of the safest batteries made. https://youtu.be/haMDZOfjqsE?t=1m48s BTW TrustFire also makes red IMR18650s.
  15. An actual 'mod' in the modding forum, who woulda thought. Nice work.
  16. They also have the lowest incidence of obesity in the USA.
  17. It's impossible to vape at 4.2V off a battery, especially at subΩ loads. Ain't happening
  18. You can get one shipped for $42.50 w/cable. http://www.rockymountainvapor.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_87&products_id=345 Shipping is free, use coupon code FORUM. Bought one, fast clean transaction.
  19. I always find amusing all this Sony battery love. Sony is just a bit player in worldwide sales and when it comes to 18650s has the absolute worst safety record. No company has had to recall more 18650s (10+M) or dispose of more tainted inventory (43M) than the troubled, has been Sony. Good, safe batteries come from manufacturers with prime manufacturing facilities and impeccable QC. Farming out the 'recipe' to various unknown manufacturers don't cut it. The first IMRs on the scene were made by MOLI, they could only be found in Milwaukee cordless tool packs. No direct sales. AW then jumped in with their AW IMR18650/1600mAh/24A continuous cell. Still the beast in it's class. BTW the top tier cordless tool makers all use Samsung HD batteries now. Milwaukee, Bosch, and Hitachi. Dewalt uses both Samsung and Sanyo. Makita at one time did use Sony.
  20. That made me laugh, here she is is without the hollywood magic. Wake up to that? Ouch!
  21. Contain the heat? That makes no sense at all. Unless used with a hobby charger those LiPO bags should be avoided. This is how they are meant to be used, batteries only in the bag.. Here's a thermal pic of a Nitecore charger. You can see we have some temps at ~125°F. These chargers need plenty of ventilation, they need to be able to dissipate heat, not 'contain' it. I can't imagine how hot these would get shoved into some insulated bag.
  22. My two favs. Lucas Hood. FWIW everyone is a badass in Banshee. And Ragnar Lothbrok
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