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  1. good luck TeriJo, you're such a cheerful person it's hard to imagine you not feeling well. hope you feel better soon.
  2. thanks Vapefiend, that certainly is something to consider!
  3. also, thanks Chris and Fritchard for the cool banner!!
  4. hey variven maybe it calculated how much you spent on mods LOL
  5. i had a co-worker ask about e-cigs as he was smoking an analog. his last response was well they don't know the long term affects of e-cigs, i replied that they do know the long term affects of analog cigarettes which left him speechless LOL!!
  6. i posted to my n.y. rep and hope others do also. we need to at least give the effort!!
  7. does everyone like 'LOR ANN' flavorings best, and if not what else is good? also can you add similar or different ones to 'anything'?... and are there any noticable difference between different brands of pg and vg liquids?
  8. hi, Celtic. i got the 520 [510 magnum] kit from word-up and like it very much. the super kit seemed like a good deal.
  9. they say nicotene and caffein are similar so perhaps cut back on nic strength?? see what happens....
  10. hi, Angel. i would talk to the vendor and see what the reaction was, and then make a decision on your recourse. giving up would only occur if they acted unprofessionally. give them a chance to cover the bad products, they may surprise you. good luck.
  11. thanks guys, i've been vaping for a couple months and still have to figure out what juices i'll stick with.
  12. i've actually been switching back and forth with my original e-cig lately, and of course my 510. it's a change of pace using my dse 103 which is a lot more mellow, and gives good flavor. Jeff at word-up e-cig once said he uses one at times and likes them also. the atty's are good for dripping or dipping, as the bridge is exposed.
  13. I've tried each, but would like to hear experienced opinions. thanks!!
  14. happy birthday Green!! How about a VT collection e-liquid sample pack!!
  15. HI Starri, if i were you i would buy at least one battery to use until the replacements come [from another supplier]. The batteries don't last forever anyway and it wouldn't hurt to have extras. you said you'd like to have manuals and could even get a longer lasting 'mega' battery if you wish. sorry to hear you had problems and good luck.
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