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    Srfnhooker got a reaction from Lyrical in Keeping your flavors straight   
    I also have a different color for each flavor most of the time.
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    Srfnhooker got a reaction from Lyrical in Keeping your flavors straight   
    A friend of mine uses a label maker but they don't stay stuck most of the time. I usually have like 5 clearos filled at the same time. I just print out the flavor names, cut them out and stick em with scotch tape.
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    Srfnhooker got a reaction from Uma in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Just ordered 20 mils dekang cheesecake, 20 mils dekang watermelon and 10 mils English toffee, all 11mg 50/50.
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    Srfnhooker got a reaction from Uma in Where's Your Happy Place?   
    Inlaws beach house on Little Gasparilla Island. No cars, no stores. Just the beach and some of the best fishing on the planet. Only way to island is by boat. It's a whole different world.
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    Srfnhooker got a reaction from Uma in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Brand new to vaping. It's my first post to any PV forums.
    A buddy at work has an ego 1100 passthru with a cartomizer full of Vanda vanilla. Really great. So I made my first purchase today.

    Ego-t 650 passthru battery with lock.
    V2 clearomizer
    Smoketech low resistance cartos 5
    And some juice.

    Am looking so forward to the beginning of the end for the analogs.
    Any suggestions for equipment to make the vaping experience better, I'm all ears.
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