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Everything posted by CaptStuBeans

  1. for all the batteries and juice I have, I keep going back to the e-logic 1.8 menthols. Has anyone found a similar e-juice to these cartos? Im tired of buying them and charging up the small batteries.
  2. spydre - this is what karbee is talking about - http://altsmoke.com/smooththol.html
  3. gotta love the sox fans. lol. Thanks for all the responses folks. I kinda just let this go for now.
  4. I agree, I think the tank is made well....like a tank. I dont think the head comes off of the ProTank. Does yours?
  5. I received a 'written warning' at Yankee stadium last night for SMOKING! Would anyone like to help draft a letter? Below is what I have written so far. ******** I attended the game on April 26th, 2013, sitting in section 220c. I was administered a warning by the section attendant for ‘smoking’. I am not a smoker. I was however using an electronic cigarette, which does not produce smoke, nor has any tobacco product in it. I politely accepted the rather embarrassing warning, but a few innings later went to talk to the attendant. During our discussion, he stated he was well aware that I was not smoking, however stated that the electronic cigarette is considered the ‘same thing’, and that I would be removed from the stadium if I continued to use it. I asked him if anyone around me complained, to which he responded ‘no’. I then asked to speak with his supervisor. During my discussion with his supervisor, I asked where I could find a written policy stating that usage of an electronic cigarette is prohibited in the stadium. The woman told me that its printed on the back of my ticket and on the Yankee website. I asked her to show me where on my ticket this is stated, at which we said ‘I can’t read it, it’s too small’. This is in fact true, but I have scanned the ticket and have read each word. There is NO statement on the ticket about smoking at all, no less language on the usage of an electronic cigarette. Additionally, I have reviewed the Yankee website, and at this link (http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/nyy/ballpark/information/index.jsp?content=guide), the smoking policy simply states, “Smoking is prohibited in Yankee Stadium. There are no designated smoking areas, and re-entry is prohibited. Violators will be ejected immediately”. I am proud to be a non-smoker, and even more proud to be a supporter not only of the Yankees, but the stadium itself. I cannot however understand the embarrassing treatment I received at the stadium. I was singled out and was made to be a spectacle. While I love the team, I can no longer support the franchise, and would strongly suggest you update your written policies so it is crystal clear to the ever growing community of e-cig users. ************* Anyone have any thoughts? Best, Stu
  6. I bought mine from here...or the vapor store attached to this site. It's definitely acrylic.
  7. Mt Baker Pink Ice, Green Ice, Vanilla Ice....all going into my 'trade' bin. This week, I have been mixing MT Baker Chocolate Mint (3 parts) with their regular Menthol flavor, and I haven't stopped vaping that for 3 days now. The Niquid stuff (more expensive) is really excellent for Menthol flavors. I get them at altsmoke.com
  8. I do in fact have one Vivi Nova. Except for the fact that it's acrylic, I like it. It's lighter than the protank, and has a tighter draw, something which is oddly VERY important to me. I did wind up buying an aluminum replacement for for the tank itself, but I do think the inside of it is still acrylic, and mine has some weird fogging on it. I dont think that affects anything other than seeing in the little window. The whole reason for me buying the Kanger Pro Tanks is because of the Pyrex. I use flavored juices, mostly MT Baker mentholy type stuff, and Niquid, and after all the reading of the acrylics cracking (i have some that have started), I chose to pull the plug on the Pro Tanks. I have 5 of them, and honestly, I just might sell them because of the airy draw issue. I know I know....seems like a small issue and I'm crazy, but that's me!
  9. i had one and hated it. not rebuildable, produced lousy vapor. It sits in my tackle box. lol
  10. $27.50 for a 30ml bottle? wow. I think I'll wait for others to tell me its worth the money.
  11. I didn't see a thread here about the Kanger Pro Tank, and was hoping we could have a single thread to discuss this bad boy. My initial thoughts: Pros They are built like a tank (get it?) I have yet to have one leak Pyrex ! Easy to set up Easy to fill Easy to clean Super easy to see your juice level. Comes in a nice case, with two atomizers and a collar thingy Price (wont break your bank) Cons Airy draw (when will someone make a universal tip to go on top!!!!). Heavy (im a ego-spinner battery kinda guy) I have purchased five of them from Mt Baker for $22.95. I have seen them a smidgen cheaper, but often out of stock, and I tend to buy 85% of my juice from MBV. Would love to hear other's thoughts, links on who carries them....sort of the be all end all thread for the product.
  12. So far, I have only been in the jetblue terminal (JFK) and the Buffalo Airport since becoming a vapor. I opening vape (not near people) while walking around, and while sitting at the gate. Again, not near anyone, as I think its just simply better to not cause questions. I dont care if someone sees me though, and I'm waiting to see if someone of authority will come to me. On my flight home last week, I left an ego-c battery in my jacket, and it got called back from TSA. He was well aware of the vaping community, but commented on how he hadn't seen 'one like that before'. Either way, he just rescanned and all was well. I had my other batteries and tanks in a case that I put in with my cell phone to be scanned. One bottle of liquid with my other liquids. The flight was a full flight, during the day. I vaped a few times, but felt self-conscious while sitting next to someone. Again, I exhaled with a bit of power simply to minimize the vapor. The flight is only an hour, so I really dont even need to, but want to. I have another flight sunday...will alter my routine a bit and see what happens.
  13. I hope your husband is ok.
  14. Kanger Protank.
  15. I vaped my entire flight. The only thing I did different was exhale faster, to avoid the massive vapor.
  16. It's been a while since this has been discussed, according to my searching. Any experiences to share? I'm about to fly out today (and subsequently often), and would love to hear people's experiences from the past year.
  17. New flavors to vape 2nite! Black Ice E Juice Baker Vapor (Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 80% VG 20% , Bottle Size: 15 ml, Extra Flavoring Shot (.25 cents per shot): 0) 1 $4.99 USD $4.99 USD Chocolate Frost E Juice Baker Vapor (Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 80% VG 20% , Bottle Size: 15 ml, Extra Flavoring Shot (.25 cents per shot): 1) 1 $5.24 USD $5.24 USD Creme De Menthe E Juice Baker Vapor (Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 80% VG 20% , Bottle Size: 30 ml + $2.5, Extra Flavoring Shot (.25 cents per shot): 1) 1 $7.74 USD $7.74 USD Doublemint Gum E Juice Baker Vapor (Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 80% VG 20% , Bottle Size: 30 ml + $2.5, Extra Flavoring Shot (.25 cents per shot): 1) 1 $7.74 USD $7.74 USD Green Ice E Juice Baker Vapor (Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 80% VG 20% , Bottle Size: 15 ml, Extra Flavoring Shot (.25 cents per shot): 0) 1 $4.99 USD $4.99 USD Pink Ice E Juice Baker Vapor (Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 80% VG 20% , Bottle Size: 15 ml, Extra Flavoring Shot (.25 cents per shot): 0) 1 $4.99 USD $4.99 USD Root Beer E Juice Baker Vapor (Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 80% VG 20% , Bottle Size: 15 ml, Extra Flavoring Shot (.25 cents per shot): 1) 1 $5.24 USD $5.24 USD Vanilla Ice E Juice Baker Vapor (Nicotine Strength: 18 mg/ml (Medium), Blend: PG 80% VG 20% , Bottle
  18. The Viva Nova Tank is excellent, as are the CE4s, and I use both. I have also added the Kanger ProTanks to my mix, as they are Pyrex...as you probably read the flavored juices may crack your plastic based tanks (finally happened to me this week!).
  19. I take my rebuildables apart, rinse thoroughly, and soak in a cup of rubbing alcohol for a few days along with my non-rebuildables. I have tried the same with vodka, but find the rubbing alcohol to work a bit better.
  20. My two fav menthol(ish) from Mt Baker are Extreme Ice and Candy Cane. White Out and Blue Ice aren't bad, but I find myself not going to them as much. I have a bunch of new ones from MT Baker (pink, black etc) that Im steeping right now. My two All Day Vapes are still Sinapse and Apple Frost, from Niquid ( http://altsmoke.com/), and while I love Mt Baker, these two produce more throat hit and vapor, and both have a nice menthol flavor on the exhale. Here's my review of some of the menthols from Mt Baker -
  21. although i can only handle 18mg (sometimes 24) these days, i started on menthol 36mg, being a one pack a day newport guy. I had no issues.
  22. +1. You can get an ego-c kit with the smaller batteries, stay compact and vape all day.
  23. i love the rebuildable ones. That said - here's a good vid on cleaning your ce4 if its not rebuildable. (fast forward to 1 minute. vid has a long silly intro)
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