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Everything posted by MD864

  1. Jason that's what i was getting out of the article as well. Have i missed something? I don't live in Utah but as i buy 90% of my "stuff" from you, and promote the heck out of your site, I'm willing to help if you want it. But to be honest I'd rather see more legislature like this - No selling to minors - as i think that would help our cause in the long run. The rep even stated that "'The intent of the bill is not to restrict adult behavior," said Menlove." Help me read this correctly if i'm missing it, and if you need it i'll send you my story!
  2. Thanks and you are right! and i could be wrong in stating that the way i did, as i'm not sure the exact words were "fire retardant" on the package - i will definitely take a look at that when i get home and google the exact meaning of what ever is stated on the package. And if that is the case then yes that will be an immediate end to using that!
  3. Lets see - I started off with Marlboro Lights, then went to winston lights mainly because it had a better flavor. But with better flavor also came with a stronger throat hit that my body just wasn't used to. In about 6 mnths i had to go back to M. lights because i stayed hoarse all the time and coughed constantly. Then i found menthols............. ah the joy of a menthol. It wasn't a joy shared by my lungs no doubt so back to m.lights for me. A couple of years later i found a less harsh menthol. Ah that joy was great until my BF wouldn't let me smoke them in his presence because to him they stunk..... Then my journey ended because i found the E-cig! Now if i want to smoke menthol chocolate covered strawberries he can't say a word LOL!!!!!
  4. hmmmm I like his idea - yummy chocolate syrup.....
  5. I've been using polyfill that you can buy at walmart in the craft section its much cheaper than the fluval and appears to work GREAT. It has the same consistency and meets all the standards that you would want, such as its fire retardant. It seems to be working great as far as juice flow and there's no strange taste or anything like that. Am i the only one using it? should i NOT be using it? If there's something bad about this stuff please let me know!
  6. WHOA!!!!! now if we can get our gov't on board!!!! Anyone send those stats to our people? What a huge step for e-cigs, even if its not in our country!!!!!
  7. You're too funny! Now where's my juice!!!! LOL
  8. TeriJo if that's you in your picture i would say you look like Holly Hunter from Saving Grace - hope there's no offence there because i think she's Gorge-ja-mus
  9. Ok honest opinion - I first saw you on one of your vids with Sean. My first thought was man he looks like cleaned up Donnie Walhberg..... But just to let ya know - I think he's cute so I hope that doesnt offend you.....
  10. I laughed - but only because that makes me feel better... i still seem to have the mindless habbit of reaching for the ash tray to "flick".....
  11. I feel the same way - the tobacco just doesn't interest me. So after seeing your review i headed over to Ms. T's Bakery and got a little crazy with my order. The stuff is very inexpensive and she offers the 3ml bottles so if i dont like it i'm not stuck with gallons of it! However there was one flavor i just couldnt bring myself to order....BACON. Yes i said BACON folks. If anyone is brave enough to try it, let me know how you like it. I just placed the order today so for the next couple of days you'll find me camped out at my mailbox "patiently" waiting....
  12. Thanks speak for that clarification! Nothing is as ever simple as we want it huh??? Either way I do truly wonder how they would enforce this rule. Once a person is hired are they subject to random nicotine tests while others are not? Hmmm that doesn't seem right. I know a company is allowed to have random drug tests, but are they allowed to do it only on a certain few? Isnt that still a waste of time and eventually money? It seems like this plan was tossed on a table and implemented before it was truly thought out.... wow where did they get these people? washington?
  13. Hmmm Schizo i could be wrong but i think i read somewhere that it only takes 2 hours for the body to rid itself of nicotine.... so unless they plan on ambushing you at the door every morning with a list of hiree dates... even if this does work, it essentially can't. My whole point of the post was just to bring it to everyones attention. The more things that get dismissed or overlooked the more we're missing our opportunities. Now days you have to read the fine print on everything anyone does, including the government. Our rights are slowly being taken away from us and half the time "no one knew about it..." LOL it brings to mind the most famous line in hitchhiker's guide to the universe: "what do you mean you dont know about it? it was posted in the alpha centauri for 50 of your earth years... what do you mean you've never heard of the alpha centauri????" ok so that last line was alittle off topic, but you get my point.
  14. First things first.... get away from the name and anything related to "Cigarette." That's the very beginning of our down fall. Secondly is to calmly, logically, and soundly prove them wrong. How? i'm not entirely sure. But i can tell you that i changed an office full of people around in how they thought and viewed it, 3 vendors, a boyfriend and his family, and 5 sets of couples/friends. (ok so one of the people at work i just basically had to bash in the head, but she had it coming long before e-cigs.... ) Its like anything else - one step at a time. But we cant lose our credibilty by attacking them with horrible words and name calling in the process. For me, I have my Dr making notations in my chart health wise since i've quit and started vaping. Hopfully one day this will add to the fight. Also we're lucky to have smart guys in our corner like chris - trying to improve on, what many of us already think of as perfect, and making it safer for us. Its frustrating but we must have diligence and patience - That's always a good place to start.
  15. Oh my darling dearest Dave.... what a pot you have stirred up now. There are so many things i could say in this response, but i fear that it would start an even bigger political debate than what your intended thread will undoubtedly stir up. In short I am for the 2nd amendment. So much so that i have my CWL's and have for 2 years. But the debate is so much bigger than the 2nd amendment. The best thing for America and its citizens would be to lock the government up and throw away the key and start over.....
  16. The guy is clearly there to sell his own product. I noticed that he has yet to rebuke any of our comments. The best way to deal with people like that are to fill their vid comments up with links to Vaportalk and the known and trusted suppliers. Let the people make their choice! Then there's also hijacking their post and putting up a Chris and Sean video... Just a thought....
  17. No matter how many times you see it, you still can't not laugh!!!!!!!!!!
  18. We have lots of smoke shops around here, but for whatever reason you mention e-cigs or accessories and you get one of two looks: 1. you're an alien about to probe them or 2. a snarl, growl and mumbled response. I don't hang out much after that to offer any suggestions. Let me know the responses you get, maybe its just me and i do look like an alien......
  19. Todd - i was the same way! who goes to the store and picks up only a pack of cigs... especially if there are few buddies sitting around and chit chatting. So i look at another added benefit : look at the junk food that's now also not going into my system!!!!
  20. LMAO
  21. Not really sure where to put this but thought it should be viewed by all. While I (like many here) consider myself a "recovering smoker" so to speak, this upsets me. And i think that it should upset us all. This isn't just about tobacco use, its about nicotine use. And my greatest fear is this will soon become the norm. What do you guys think? Hospital in Tenn will now test all applicants for nicotine use.
  22. Hey PB! Lay off verizon! Just because you have the hottie luke wilson means nothing.... before long he'll be "spotty"
  23. now if that's not some stinkin' awesome customer service, then good customer service just doesnt exist......
  24. I agree Jeff, WE the consumers must demand that our safety is priority. That's how it all starts. And no, not from the government, we don't need another industry in their back pocket, they're overstuffed as it is. I think the "leadership" that Chris and his team are providing is pioneering the path for us , but I think as a community this is also something that should be demanded of every company that sales e-cigarette anything.
  25. Yes a Thank You to the Judge for thinking about and trying to understand the issue rather than just jumping in blindly. HOWEVER, what will this do to us (the consumers) of this product and our safety? No we don't want them taken away, but i'd still like to see some research and safety regulations enforced so as not to end up inhaling the "un-advertised" chemicals that some companies might decide to add in. It is a step but not the giant leap that we're all hoping for yet!
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