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Everything posted by MD864

  1. Well I love my 306. Not a lot of people talk about them and i'm unsure why. They're the same size as a regular cig and once the atty gets broken in, those things vape like a 510, and of course they have the auto batts on them. Even without a sealed batt they're great for dripping bc of the exposed bridge on the atty. Just dont flood it... Its also really great when you're driving and your car is a manual...
  2. me neither......
  3. Ethan, before you go to the BLU please check the 306 and 510 here . The 306 is actually the smallest out, yet i find it durable, its the same size as a light cig. You're gonna find real quick (at least 90% of us do) that you're not going to like the cart option. you dont need 25 carts.... just 5 and a couple of small bottles of your favorite juices will do you! The link above has great juices, so does the store here on the forum and this store has the most intriguing flavors. All have great vapor, taste, and throat hit. I haven't tried the BLU but if i'm not mistaken, The reviews aren't as good as they are for the 2 that i mentioned above..... Good Luck and Happy Vaping! Oh and i forgot.... their charger pack isn't all that exclusive.... its what other sites call a PCC charger. And yes they are great I have a red one!
  4. Ms.T's Banana Pudding on one 510, MsTs watermelon on another 510, VT sweet dawn on the 306, and when my purple 510 gets here today i was thinking of trying ENS cappuccino or maybe some apple jelly...... hmmmmm choices choices choices... what's a girl to do.......
  5. Welcome 44Mag! LOL its funny until i discovered VaporTalk I never really knew what good customer service was! (you know, the kind that you dont have to fight for LOL) This place is awesome!
  6. I have this as well but have noticed that i dont have it so much when i'm vaping VG juice.... maybe try that - and as always constant fluid intake (for me its mostly water - and this helps a ton....) Happy Vaping!
  7. Money
  8. JHammy - i thought it was funny too!
  9. WE ROCK!!!!!
  10. You have them!!! Prayers and thoughts sent your way! Keep us updated when you can.....
  11. Add to the fear factor of what "they" are trying to do to the e-cig ..... and stocking up from floor to ceiling sounds like a good idea...... if "they" get their way, none of us will "have a square to spare......"
  12. BACKUPS are a complete and utter must - regardless of the brand!
  13. Great let me guess the ones they gave out to try were um lets see the crapiest yet most expensive models?????? i wished they'd come test me! or my boyfriend who went from 3 packs a day to maybe at the most 5 a day now. Or the lady at my office who went from two packs a day to nothing. or her mom who smoked for 47 years! and went to 3 a day at the most!!!! Give me a flippin break. How about doing some real research! find a the e-cigs that 90% of vapers use - you know the ones i'm talking about - the ones that actually WORK!!!!!!!!!!! test people who claim that they have gotten them off analogs - test those people - see if its all in their heads. ERRRRRRRRRR nothing irritates me more than a know it all with a degree. Its like going to the dr and him telling you that you dont feel how you say you feel because its impossible..... its my body i'd think i'd know before he would dont you think?!? The same with these - i stopped smoking didnt i? Isnt that really all that matters here? that people who have been smoking for years and umpteen packs a day have quit? By doing something that is (admit it you know i'm right) 95% less toxic than a cigarette? WHO FLIPPIN CARES about any of the rest of this BS???? How can you be soo flippin worried about e-cigs but yet turn a blind eye to something that you set on fire then put to your lips to breathe in its toxic fumes over 4000 of its toxic fumes!!!!????!!!! ok sorry had to vent - this one really pissed me off......
  14. LOL in most places, that's my mentality - especially in the newly "non-smoking" bowling alley!!!!
  15. For me, the flavors get stronger every day, at first i thought it was because maybe the longer the juice sits the stronger they get..... nope its my taste buds rewarding me for not smoking! Also the sense of smell will come back right after that! and to Bkrebbs: WELCOME!
  16. JASON IS THE MAN!!!!
  17. LOL no i didnt get the bacon... i just couldnt. BUT after tasting these flavors and seeing how close to the real thing they really do taste... well my next order will have the bacon in it
  18. Just got in my juice from Ms T's WOW it's good juice!!!! Great flavor!!! It took a little time for her to get it shipped but she's still catching up on her orders after her recent move so it took an extra 3 days as these are hand made at the time of order.... it was worth the time waited! My main favorite I gotta say is the Banana Pudding, but that could also be because i was initially looking for banana so it was the most anticipated flavor to try. Well done Ms T!!!! The flavors I ordered (in no particular order): Banana Pudding Peanut Butter Cup Apple Jelly Blueberry Muffin Cinnamon Roll Peaches and cream Red Hot Cinnamon Sticks Watermelon And I loved the Info sheet that she includes in the order reiterating the safety precaution do's and don'ts on storing the liquid and keeping it way from the kiddos!
  19. congrats!!!!
  20. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Bird Dog was faster than me! But glad to see it works for more than just me!
  22. Brian covered most of it - lets see if i can help with the carts part. Mind you this is what i do, so right wrong or indifferent it works for me but maybe not for everyone. if i'm changing flavors: i take the filling out with a paper clip, rinse out all parts and dry with paper towels, add a few drops to the empty cart, put the filler (dry) in and then top off with liquid until it looks like a slushy. That may mean, using the paper clip again, sliding the filler part ways out and adding drops. Then i make sure the filler is even with the cart so that it will make contact with the bridge. for the rest of the day i just top off with juice. There's no mess but maybe on my finger tips which i can clean off with the towel right there. This whole process takes me about 4mins tops. I do not disassemble any thing over night unless i'm charging them. this has worked for me for about 43 days now... If i'm not changing flavors i just top it off regularly and clean them out with the process above about every 1 1/2 to 2 days. as far as the charging goes.... get a PCC charger. It goes with you everywhere, is no bigger or cumbersome than a pack of smokes, and charges on the go. I got mine at ENSfor about 20.00$ Charge it overnight while charging your e-cig and then its good to go for about 6 or 7 e-cig charges through out the day. Hope this helped!
  23. I am 31yrs old and I am 42 days cigarette free. Since using the e-cig, I finally found the courage to tell my grandfather about me quitting smoking and using these INCREDIBLE devices this past monday. My grandfather is in his 70's (upper) and smoked for YEARS. My childhood memories are often clouded by the smokey haze that was always present in my grandparents house. Then 25years and 1 month ago my grandfather had a major heart attack and died 3 times. (yes i know how lucky i am to still have him..) He quit cold turkey that day. I commend him on that because many, including myself can not. And many i know have had medical issues and still can not. But still he did it, so i always felt "shy" to approach him with my issues that i couldn't. I finally summoned the courage to show him what i was doing and what had helped me and even tell him about this forum. And his words were: "I am so PROUD of you punkin'" He went on to reveal the struggle that he had in quitting and was amazed at these new devices (and how envious he is that i have this option - but so very glad.) He also talked about how upsetting it is to hear the information that is put out by the "anti-smoking" people, such crap as "nicotine kills you." The conversation went on to many other things such as the fda and big tobacco and i wont bore you with that. But my heart and chest swelled with pride! He is proud of and happy for me, and wishes many more people will be able to find a place like VT and e-cigs. I know i'm 31 years old - at this age, i probably shouldn't still seek approval from anyone, but when you get it from someone who is your "hero" (child and adulthood alike) it just makes you feel oh so good!
  24. Add to this the on-going discussion of "The Health Bill" that "they" are trying to pass. Now lets see spend more of my tax dollars on smokers..... or less of my tax dollars on Vapers....... You are correct Michelle, the only reason the fda wants to block this is because the e-cig industry will become HUGE, bigger than tobacco and they want their cut.....
  25. It is EXTREMELY good stuff!
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