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  1. I read a review somewhere about there being a difference in performance in the gold band vs. the silver band. Silver being the better. Is this one persons opinion, or has anyone hear noticed the same? There were no replies on the post for verification. Looking to order some for my Turbo 5v. so would like to know before I order. Thanks
  2. I tried one and there, OK. really wish I could say great. they do not leak - which is definitely a plus, but not great in vapor production. The ones that would burn out quick were the ones that had huge vapor production. it's kinda like I'm back on the VP1 (3.7v.) now we'll see how long they last.
  3. I buy the Benson & hedges menthol from strictly e-juice, 30ml for 9.95. It's the closes I have found to a analog menthol. Vapor talk mentha tastes more like scope, but if you want menthol its good.
  4. agree 100% I bought a"realistic" looking one, I was buying a mod 8 days later.
  5. I bought these- hope they work out
  6. Just moved up from a VP1 (3.7v) to a Turbo (5v)in December. This thing is awesome. Great vapor. Here are my issues though. 1. I seem to go through an atty about every 9 days. On my VP1 they would last about a month or so. Does the 5v just burn it out faster? Any recommendations for a quality 5v 801 atty? 2. This thing is a leaker! Thank good for the drip catcher they put on it. Probably a 5v thing too? Any 5v hints will be helpful. And kinda off subject, has anyone used that popcorn kettle cleaner to clean their atty's? how is it?
  7. i order from them all the time. there juice is good. i've had better but for the price. it can't be beat. i've had marl menthol, red bull, caramel apple, lava flow, pina colada - all pretty good. do not get the orange cream soda - horrible.
  8. My wife is happy I'm off analogs but thinks I'm becoming obsessed with vaping. (I am!) But i always remind her that's it's better than smoking. I've been vaping for 4 months now and that cigarette smell is starting to become almost disgusting. Only really when I smell it on someone. I can't believe that's how I would come home everyday. An actual cig being smoked smells kinda good still. But I'm much happier vaping. And so is my family.
  9. I just wanted to say thanks and let everyone know what great customer service I received from VTS. I ordered 7 atomizers and 4 bottles of juice. I asked for a "small" (thinking a 3ml size) free sample of some tobacco juice for a buddy to try and I was sent a 10ml bottle. Sweet hook up #1. Also I was short 1 bottle of dulcis. E-mailed VTS, i got it 2 days later with an extra bottle. Sweet hook up #2. I also want to say that Midnight juice is AWESOME. It's definitely my new fave. It's sweet but not overly so. it's perfect. I can vape that stuff all day long. I should have ordered more, but will in the very near future. Thanks VTS!!!
  10. I think the Canadians are interested because analogs cost like 18 bucks a pack. At least thats what they told me when they were asking about my VP1 on a recent trip to vegas.
  11. Just wanted to see if anyone else has gotten any juice from them. Ordered 5ml of pineapple, tropical punch, and coffee ( kona, vanilla flavor) about a month ago and I just ordered and recieved 30ml of RY4. quick review: Pineapple - tastes weak Tropical punch - decent taste Kona - pretty good taste RY4 - pretty good taste This juice does not produce the same vapor as i have gotten with the VT or Ecopure juice, but the price is cheap. 30ml was 9.95. 10.00 gets you free shipping so I had to order a 3 ml bottle for .55 - no biggie. Will probably order only when broke a desperate for juice.
  12. more bang for your buck!!!
  13. so after some google(ing) these are both 801 atomizers, Correct? just different model numbers, or is there more?
  14. i was looking at buying some of this. the site i was checking out had a disclaimer saying they take NO responsibility for it's use. Whats the danger???
  15. same question as above. Where to buy and any adapter needed?
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