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Everything posted by valtaria

  1. I have had same problems with equipment and had few mishaps trying find best way to make them mobile.I use to try carry around big tube mod but due to inconvenience(droped upto 10ft height) I bought two egos(vv).I use to use tape and tape either clearo or ecig to a circular piece metal aka keychain, and hook it to a standard lanyard.ofcourse I did end up tearing a ce5 in half, so on ego is probably better. After awhile I found lanyards from vaping zone www.vapingzone.com that hold cigarete upright ie clearo cartomizer up.They work perfect on my egos and after awhile found there just right size for mods ie vamoo. They work great at work and I have very physical job. Im not sure how big the 510s are but if there close to the standard kr808s, traditional ecig v2 makes a nifty lanyard but i think it might be meant hold ecig with carto down.
  2. Thank you I most definetly will do that.Im also interested in whatever flavors,vendors,mixes,and hardware(if that makes a difference), any more experienced vapors would recommend.Ive encountered vast differences in vendors, and different flavors same vendor, and realize it probably is also a matter of finding right flavor, at right mix, from right vendor.
  3. Hello all. Im a new vaper and a new member. I started on V2 loved them, then started getting into Eliquid mostly because your not then restricted to a single vendor, and the options are endless.I have discovered egoVVs and Vtube from apollo.They are great and I have been getting liquid from alot of different places.One thing I have encountered is being so inexperienced, im having trouble finding liquid that does the trick.Being such a heavy smoker I do think that throat hit is pretty key in my vaping.I have liquids from apollo (60/40), Ecblend(50/50), up to (100pg).I lliterally have a bag full 5ml sample flavors, and I do like all flavors, but the only liquid that I love so far is V2s cherry. I just have not found liquids that give the same hit(so far), but I am very new.Thats why im posting for more experienced vapers advice pointers, in my search for good liquids, and great throat hit.One thing I have come across is more pg doesnt neccessarily mean more throat hit.That and it is getting pretty old always smoking cherry.
  4. Lol, Im just posting to introduce myselfnew to vaping and new to forum. Im 2 to 4 pack a day smoker, was introduced to vaping through family and people ive worked alongside offshore.I notice on long drives and in the mornings I wold chainsmoke, just to have something in my hands, and offshore there is always someone who has made the transition to electronic cigarettes, so I tried it and here I am.I started with V2 and was very happy and surprised. I wanted to use liquid so I could shop around and after 2 months Ive ended up with a ego vv, from apollo.. and a V tube from apollo. Im using Ce4, Ce5, T3,viva nova, mini nova clearomizers.I have a tank clearomizer but I experienced leaks off the bat so Ive never really used it.I have dual coil clearomizers, dont like them but I dont have enoughexperence to have informed opinion.I think im going to stick with the Ce5s and viva nova due to replacable wicks.Im getting liiquid from apollo,V2, and Ecblend. I have discovered High pg at 2.4 ohms, and 4.2 volts is my personal preference so far, but I have up to 100 perent pg and pg has not neccessarily given more throat hit. I do love ecblend..but so far the best overall liquid Ive gotten(not taking flavoroptions into account) has been V2s cherry. I havent gotten anything to hit like it.PS sorry double post lag from work computer.Anyways I am very new any feedback would be great.
  5. Hello,
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