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509 got a reaction from johnydeep196 in Help, please
Okay people...I am overwhelmed. I purchased a RIVA starter kit after I previously had tried the KR 808D1---neither of which I see much about on my research here. I like the RIVA better because it seems to have more vapor. However...I'm trying to see if I can find "atomized cartridges" online to get a better price. But it is so hard for me to figure out what kind as I don't see any specs for the cartidges that came with my kit---just the nicotine level.
In reading the teenie tiny brochure that came with the RIVA, it does say that the RIVa power supply is "the EGo powered by a 3.7 V-750 Mah power supply. That is not helping me either although I read everybody talking about EGos. Seriously, I feel like I'm trying to buy a new computer. Plus the RIVA has a cone tube? thing that fits over the cartridge---does that thing serve any purpose? So can someone just tell me what kind of atomizer cartridge I need for this thing and if the cone tube serves any purpose? Someday I would like to understand what eliquid is all about but for now, I think I'm only able to handle finding cartridges that will work. Thank you, thank you.
509 got a reaction from jholl318 in Nicotine Levels...
Thanks again everybody for the input! I have gone to a larger "battery" (I'm still getting the lingo down) with more vapor output and find that I am doing fine with the 11. Tried the 6 and the kick just wasn't there. So I have been analog free for over a week now and can't believe how well I'm doing! Like many of you, I smoked for a very long time...quit many times...tried everything out there to help me but could never sustain the quit.
I think I'm going to make it this time!!
509 reacted to mcquinn in Help, please
If it is indeed an Ego type you can use any atomiser cartomiser clearomiser or any other iser that will fit an Ego ,Joye 510 or Joye 306.The cone is eye candy ,makes it sleek and some feel it affects the draw causing more or less vapor or hotter or cooler vapor depending on who you ask.
509 reacted to blucavvy in Tips And Warnings For The New E-Cig User
being able to use it around my asthmatic 5 year old son without feeling guilty.
saving easily $100 a month when compared to cigs (and yes that's including the price of all the hardware, and i have alot lol)
being able to run several miles at the gym without hacking a lung up
not smelling like an ashtray
knowing i'm not putting carcinogens into my body or the air around me
actually knowing the $1.00 i spent on air fresheners for my car wasn't a waste
not having to roll my window down in the rain while driving to "smoke"
not having to stand outside during the middle of winter and freeze my *** off for nicotine
think that about sums it up.