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  1. 509

    Help, please

    Thank you!
  2. Okay people...I am overwhelmed. I purchased a RIVA starter kit after I previously had tried the KR 808D1---neither of which I see much about on my research here. I like the RIVA better because it seems to have more vapor. However...I'm trying to see if I can find "atomized cartridges" online to get a better price. But it is so hard for me to figure out what kind as I don't see any specs for the cartidges that came with my kit---just the nicotine level. In reading the teenie tiny brochure that came with the RIVA, it does say that the RIVa power supply is "the EGo powered by a 3.7 V-750 Mah power supply. That is not helping me either although I read everybody talking about EGos. Seriously, I feel like I'm trying to buy a new computer. Plus the RIVA has a cone tube? thing that fits over the cartridge---does that thing serve any purpose? So can someone just tell me what kind of atomizer cartridge I need for this thing and if the cone tube serves any purpose? Someday I would like to understand what eliquid is all about but for now, I think I'm only able to handle finding cartridges that will work. Thank you, thank you.
  3. Thanks again everybody for the input! I have gone to a larger "battery" (I'm still getting the lingo down) with more vapor output and find that I am doing fine with the 11. Tried the 6 and the kick just wasn't there. So I have been analog free for over a week now and can't believe how well I'm doing! Like many of you, I smoked for a very long time...quit many times...tried everything out there to help me but could never sustain the quit. I think I'm going to make it this time!!
  4. Thanks! Appreciate the input and welcome
  5. Hey everyone...I am glad to find this website~ I'm new to all of this so it's great to find a place I can ask questions. I purchased an e cig at a local store and so far it is working well but it doesn't have a brand name on it---the kit has the name of the store where I bought it. Is there anyway I should be able to tell? I tried two kinds and the one I bought has the smaller shape of a cigarette which I like. It also has a button to push when you inhale which makes it easier to get more vapor. Now...Nicotine levels. I was smoking Carlton 100s which have very little nicotine. The cartridge I bought has 11mg. How do I know how much nicotine I'm getting by vaping? If I was a 1.5 pack a day smoker, how long can I expect a cartridge to last:? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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