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Everything posted by maskwoman

  1. Halo's "Voodoo", "Mocha Java", "Twisted Java" and "Malibu" are almost all I vape (just can't resist Vape Dudes "Buttery Nipple"...
  2. "Voodoo" from Halo
  3. I know that this has been discussed - but, darn, it's important! Where can I find a really tasty milk chocolate juice. So far, Vape Dudes have come the closest with their Chocolate Cream (they also have my favorite other juices) but I guess I'm craving a real good quality European milk chocolate flavor. I know that taste is subjective, but I welcome any suggestions (except for 100% vg juices which I'm not crazy about)...
  4. The ones I'm having trouble with are some Boge cartos that I got on sale - hmmmmm. Maybe they were on sale for a reason : ( Anyway, thanks for your help and suggestions. I have one carto that is almost ready!
  5. Ok. I'm trying this now and the liquid is only partially absorbed. Does it take all day for it to soak in??? When I squeeze the rubber, it just bubbles up to the top and then falls back down into the condom. I always thought I was pretty smart (at least smart enough to figure out a lot of things) but this process has humbled me...
  6. I'm thinking about doing that in the near future. I've been using the 24 mg day and night - I usually end up vaping more heavily at night when I'm sitting around and I'm having wild and crazy nicotine induced dreams. It is definitely something to consider! Being so new at quitting the analogs, I've still got major cravings - but it's getting better all the time....
  7. I like using the cartos - but, I'm wondering why some of them (especially the boge) are so difficult to fill with the drip method. I recently got a bunch of the boge cartomizers (had previously been using the cartos for the kr808) and the liquid just seems to sit on the top of the filler. I really have to spend a LOT of time fiddling with these - poking and prodding with a toothpick to get the liquid to absorb. And even then, it takes forever till I get a decent flavor hit. Am I doing something wrong? I figure it Must be me since I'm still pretty new at this! Any tips would be SO welcome...
  8. Thanks for the answers mcquinn! I'm still new at vaping and am bumbling about in the dark trying to find the perfect fix for my nicotine habit....
  9. Just over a month now with no analogs and I've been vaping myself silly. Actually have to make myself slow down to avoid the dizziness and inevitable headache. I love it though and will not go back to burning....
  10. Wow. Now I feel like an idiot.....
  11. Just signed. I'm new at this (vaping) and, already, I can't imagine anyone telling me that I can't do it. Especially the govt.....
  12. Thanks everyone! I appreciate your advice....
  13. Hi, I'm brand new here and new to ecigs (just quit analogs and started with a KR8... on Jan. 2). I immediately liked vaping and it hasn't been a problem to quit the tobacco sticks, but the ecig I started with is not enough. Today I purchased an ego c tank model and read something about only using PG liquid. Can I use the 50/50 blends that I've already purchased???
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