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Everything posted by Sgrcooki

  1. I have had a hard time finding a good RY-4 as well. It seems most are lacking in flavor. So far my favorite is VT Dulcis which is a RY-4 variant.
  2. I would like to see a pair of brass knuckles modded into a PV. It would double as a self defense tool.
  3. I like the Dulcis and the Midnight the best...but I haven't tried all of them. I'm not really a menthol kinda person, seems a little strong for me and then, I can't get that mentol taste outta my atty after it's in there
  4. I only tell kids that it's my "fake cigarette"...then, I demonstrate it for them. To others, I tell them it's my "e-cig" and that it helped me to stop smoking. Everyone tells me how stinkin' cool that is
  5. Hey Mom! How's Grandpa doing with the vaping?? What's working for him??
  6. I'm getting headaches that last all day and and I'm not really a headache type of person! I started thinking yesterday (in misery) that it might be from the vaping. However, I think I have a tiny cold...Have many other's reported getting headaches?
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